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people [index] | Mary E. Hopper [MEHopper]


Bio (2012)
Mary E. Hopper, Ph.D. is dedicated to the research and development of innovative digital media projects and programs. This has guided her through over 20 years of experience as both an entrepreneur and academic. She founded and served as President of Knowledge Foundry, a company that develops traditional web, social media, 3D, eBook and mobile sites from 2006 to 2012. Recently she has also been serving as a Lecturer in the undergraduate Interactive Media Program at Northeastern University. Prior to establishing Knowledge Foundry, she was an Assistant Professor in the Technology in Education Program at Lesley University, and before that she served as a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT where she was Managing Editor of Media in Transition, the flagship project of the MIT Comparative Media Studies master's program. Dr. Hopper has a Ph.D. in Educational Computing and Instructional Design, M.S. in Educational Psychology with specializations in Educational Evaluation and Measurement, and a B.A. in English, Education and Psychology all from Purdue University. In addition, she completed numerous courses in Cataloging, Reference, Digital Libraries and Archives at the Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science.

Digital Den (2012-Present)
Knowledge Foundry (2006-2012)
Northeastern University (2012-2013)
Lesley University (2003-2005)
Simmons College (2000-2002)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1996-2001)
Studio-E (1994-1998)
Purdue University (1985-1993)

Educational courseware production in advanced computing environments (1993).

Hopper, M. E. (2004). Methods for studying educational computing projects: Challenges and opportunities. In J. Impagliazzo and J. Lee (Ed.). History of Computers in Education. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Hopper, M. E. & Lawler, R. W. (1997). A progress report for the Head Start-Apple Logo Project. In R. W. Lawler (Ed.), Learning and computing: A dual-medium book (pp. 36-40). UK: Intellect Books.
Hopper, M. E. (Contributor) (1995). University examples: MIT's Athena Project, Purdue's ESCAPE, organizational issues. In R. Rada (Ed.), Designing educational hypermedia: Coordination and reuse (pp. 84-91). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Hopper, M. E. (2005). Online Communities for Faculty Support at Lesley University: Faculty Fellowship in Academic Technology 2004-2005. Cambridge, MA: Center for Academic Technology, Lesley University.
Hopper, M. E. (Ed.) (1997). Networked Multimedia Information Services: Final report. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Educational Computing Initiatives.
Ali-Ahmad, et.al. [Hopper, M. E. (Ed.)] (1996). AthenaMuse 2.2 Documentation.. Cambridge, MA: Center for Educational Computing Initiatives, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Hopper, M. E. (1998). Assessment in WWW-based learning systems: Opportunities and challenges. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 4(4), 330-348. (Special issue on evaluation edited by Patricia Carlson.)
Hopper, M. E. (1994). Usable software in advanced educational computing projects. ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, 28(1), 46-48.

Hopper, M. E. (2009, April). Cosma, Constructing a Kingdom of Knowledge. Media in Transition 6 Conference: Stone and Papyrus, Storage and Transmission, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Hopper, M. E. (2008, December). Using Virtual Worlds for Computer Science Education and Research. Computer Science Seminar, University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA.
Hopper, M. E. (2008, May). Ok, now what? Ideas from Havok to the Holodeck. Sloan-C International Symposium, Emerging Technology Applications for Online Learning, Carefree, AZ.
Hopper, M. E. (2007, April). The Knowledge Gates to SecondLife. Media in Transition 5 Conference: Creativity, Ownership and Collaboration in the Digital Age, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Hopper, M.E. (2005, May). Supporting Course Mentoring Needs Through Online Environments [Workshop]. Center for Academic Technology Faculty Development Day, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA.
Hopper, M. E. (2005, January). Supporting course mentoring needs across Lesley University through 0nline Environments [Workshop]. 9th Annual Academic Technology Institute, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA.
Hopper, M. E. (2005, July). Getting Started with Robotics: Clubs, Competitions and Communities [Birds of a Feather Session]. National Educational Computing Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Hopper, M.E. & LaFountain, D. (2004, June). Robotics in the Classroom [Birds of a Feather Session]. National Educational Computing Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Hopper, M. E. (2004, August). Methods for studying educational computing projects: Challenges and opportunities. Presentation at History of Computers in Education SIG, IFIP World Computer Congress Conference, Toulouse, France.
Hopper, M. E. & Summer, R. B. (2001, February). Where's the media? Models for creating and distributing teacher and student made digital media [Abstract]. Presentation at Second Wiring the Classroom Conference. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Hopper, M. E. (2000, January). Knowledge systems 101: From Alexandria to Hitchhiker's Guide [Short course, 4 sessions, 2-hours each]. Independent Activity Period (IAP), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Hopper, M. E. (1998, October). Hypertext in historical context: Vannevar Bush and Ted Nelson revisited. Presentation for the Media-in-Transition Project / Communications Forum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Hopper, M.E. (1997, March). The role of learners in the construction of successful courseware projects in distributed academic computing environments [Abstract]. Round-table presentation, Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, Advanced Technologies for Learning (SIG-ATL), Chicago, IL.
Hopper, M. E. (1993). Expert's views about courseware development in advanced computing environments [Abstract]. In H. Maurer (Ed.), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 93 - Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 607.
Hopper, M. E., LeBold, W. K., Feghali, A. A. (1991). A hypermedia-based problem solving approach to engineering, learning, working, and playing. Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, 73-78.
LeBold, W. K., Hopper, M. E., Feghali, A. A. (1991). A hypermedia solution to a hyper problem: Personalized computer engineering career system. In ASEE-IEEE Annual Conference Proceedings: Educational Research and Methods Division, 482-488.
Hopper, M. E. and Lawler, R. W. (1991, August). Pre-Readers' Word Worlds: Results of experiences with young children and new directions. Poster session at the thirteenth annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Evanston, IL.

Creator, Cosma: The Knowledge Kingdom, Knowledge Foundry (2006-Present)
Builder, Knowledge Places in SecondLife, Knowledge Foundry (2006-Present)
Director, Digital Projects Inventory, Knowledge Foundry (1992-2012)
Researcher, Online Communities for Faculty Support, Lesley University (2004-2005)
Archival Intern, American Institute of Planners, MIT (2000)
Managing Editor, Media in Transition, MIT (1998-2000)
Visiting Scientist, Networked Multimedia Information Services, MIT (1997)
Editor, AthenaMuse 2.2 Documentation, MIT (1996)
Project Manager, University Wide Information System, Purdue University (1992-1993)
Project Manager, Education Information System, Purdue University (1991-1992)
Project Manager, Engineering Career System (ESCAPE), Purdue University (1989-1993)
Researcher, Logo Word World's, Apple, Head Start and Purdue University (1989-1993)
Assistant Editor, Purdue Creative Thinking Program, 3rd Ed., Purdue University (1987-1988)

Course Design and Teaching
Northeastern, Undergraduate 
IM 1110: Interactive Media and Society  (Syllabus, Course Page)
IM 2100: Digital Narrative  (Syllabus, Course Page)
Lesley, Graduate 
ECOMP 6016: Teaching and Learning with Digital Media
ECOMP 5016: Teaching and Learning with Multimedia
ECOMP 6010: Educational Uses of Video
ECOMP 5018: Introduction to Educational Robotics
ECOMP 6011: Database Management Systems in Education
ECOMP 7100: Fundamentals of Computer Structure
ECOMP 6009: Weaving the World Wide Web
MIT, Undergraduate 
IAP: Knowledge Systems 101: From Alexandria to Hitchhiker's Guide
21L015: Introduction to Media Studies
Purdue, Graduate 
ED591: AI and Education
ED591K: HyperCard
EDCI 562: Educational Applications of Logo
EDCI 460: Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning
ED 524: Classroom Tests and Measurements
Super Saturday Workshop for Teachers
Purdue, Undergraduate 
ENGR 195C: Engineering Career Development
ED 285: Educational Psychology
Purdue, Gifted Ed. Resource Institute (Kids) 
Preparation for the SAT (7-12)
Astronomy (3-6)
Young Astronauts (K-2)
Creative Thinking (K-2)
Inventions (K-2)
Creative Writing (4-6)

Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction (1993)
Specializations in Educational Computing, Instructional Design
School of Education, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

M.S. Curriculum and Instruction (1989)
Specializations in Educational Psychology, Evaluation and Research Methods, Gifted and Talented
School of Education, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

B.A. English and Education, Concentration Psychology (1985)
School of Humanities, Social Science and Education, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Credentials (1985-1998)
Indiana Teacher's License for Secondary English (9-12)
Indiana Teacher's License for Junior High/Middle School Language Arts (5-9)
Gifted and Talented Endorsement (K-12)
Computer Education Endorsement (K-12)

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
IEEE Computer Society (IEEE, CS)
The Society for the History of Technology (SHOT)
SIG Computers, Information and Society (SIGCIS)
The American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIST)
Phi Delta Kappa, Harvard Chapter (PDK)
Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT)

Other Information
Complete CV, portfolio and references available upon request.

© Mary E. Hopper [MEHopper] | MEHopper@MEhopper.net [posted 01/01/01 | revised 12/12/12]