Projects are a critical level of analysis that has been selected
as the central unit of definition for E-Projects. They consist of the
constellation of key characteristics or dimensions that serve as the
backbone of this site (note navigation). Like human personalities,
each or all of these specific attributes may vary greatly over time,
but the essence of the original entity remains identifiable.
Understanding projects can be framed in terms of the organizational,
individual (people), subject matter (content) and technical contexts.
The success of projects depends upon balancing these factors and
their interactions.
The goal will be to study significant
projects to establish the following types of information:
1. Within project anatomy and relationships.
2. Between project relationships.
3. Across educational levels, ancestor media, and disciplines.
Data will be collected from multiple sources,
working simultaneously bottom up and top down,
emphasizing negotiation and cooperation.
1. Extract information from aggregated data sets.
-Gain Access to Mass Project Descriptions
-Negotiate Use of Project Profiles
2. Gather information from published sources.
-Systematically Construct Project Histories
3. Weight missing data to gather through targeted collection.
-Integrate Case Studies of Key Projects
-Advocate Longitudinal Research Studies
4. Pursue permission to include more focused data.
-Identify Projects for Elaborative Description by Participants
This is represented in the following graphic: