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digital projects inventory (1990-2005)
directed by Mary E. Hopper, Ph.D.
D-Projects was a 15 year long expedition to
carry out a longitudinal study of major analog
and digital projects across disciplines.
The primary goal was to learn how to improve
the viability of digital projects by identifying
and sharing sustainable strategies.
The expedition resulted in a number of academic
publications and presentations (see list below).
More importantly, it resulted in the establishment
of a very large hybrid analog/digital archive with
records about many thousands of major projects.
The archive grew to include over 200 linear feet
of hardcopy files and over 100 gigabytes of data.
Click here to learn more about D-Projects!
D-Projects Publications & Presentations
Hopper, M. E. (2004) Methods for studying educational computing projects:
Challenges and opportunities. In J. Impagliazzo and J. Lee (Ed.).
History of Computers in Education. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Hopper, M. E. (2001). Wisdom from MIT’s Athena:
A paradigm for precognition. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Comparative Media Studies Program.
Hopper, M. E. & Summer, R. B. (2001, February). Where's the media?
Models for creating and distributing teacher and student made digital media [Abstract].
Presentation at Second Wiring the Classroom Conference. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Hopper, M. E. (2000, March). E-Projects Square:
The Expedition to MIT and Beyond. Research Seminar Presentation. Comparative Media Studies,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Hopper, M. E. (2000, January). Knowledge systems 101:
From Alexandria to Hitchhiker's Guide [Short course, 4 sessions, 2-hours each]. Independent Activity Period (IAP),
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Hopper, M. E. (1999, October). A project about projects: Watching academic electronic media projects evolve [Abstract].
Presentation at the Media-in-Transition Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Hopper, M. E. (1998, October). Hypertext in historical context: Vannevar Bush and Ted Nelson revisited.
Presentation for the Media-in-Transition Project / Communications Forum,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Hopper, M.E. (1997, March). The role of learners in the construction of successful courseware
projects in distributed academic computing environments [Abstract].
Round-table presentation, Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association,
Advanced Technologies for Learning (SIG-ATL), Chicago, IL.
Hopper, M. E. (Contributor)(1995).
University examples: MIT's Athena Project, Purdue's ESCAPE, organizational issues.
In R. Rada (Ed.), Designing educational hypermedia: Coordination and reuse (pp. 84-91).
Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Hopper, M. E. (1994).
Usable software in advanced educational computing projects.
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, 28(1), 46-48.
Hopper, M. E. (1993). Expert's views about courseware development in advanced computing environments [Abstract]. In H. Maurer (Ed.), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 93 - Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia.
D-Projects was Mary Hopper's first attempt at a
systematic inventory of digital content resources.
Over time she realized that the critical activity to
undertake was to make a simple catalog of projects.
To see what D-Projects evolved into, visit Cosma!
