people: 1: human beings in general 2: human beings in a group or community.
-The Merriam Webster® Pocket Dictionary: Fourth Edition. 1989.
This is a catalog of profiles of the people involved with the projects covered on this site.
Adams, D
Akscyn, R
Berners-Lee, T
Bernstein, M
Brown, P
Bucciarelli, L
Bush, V
Carver, G
Cerf, V
Conklin, H
Daly, J
Earhart, A
Einstein, H
Engelbart, D
Escher, M
Feldhusen, J
Gates, W
Glenn, J
Goddard, R
Grissom, G
Hopper, E
Hopper, G
Hopper, M
Jackson, G
Jobs, S
Kahn, P
Kahn, R
Kay, A
Kinnicutt, P
Landow, G
Lavin, A
Lawler, R
LeBold, W
Lerman, S
Lesk, M
McLuhan, M
Mead, M
Negroponte, N
Nelson, T
Olmstead, F
Penfield, P
Piranesi, G
Putnam, T
Reddy, R
Rehwinkel, J
Roberts, L
Rudolph, W
Schlusselberg, E
Schmidt, N
Sculley, J
Sproull, L
Summer, R
Sutherland, D
Tillotson, R
Trigg, R
vanDam, A
Ward, S
Wozniak, S
Yankelovich, N
[full index]
© Mary E. Hopper [MEHopper] |
[posted 01/01/01 | revised 02/02/02]