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people [index] | Michael Lesk

[1995 Version]

After receiving the PhD degree in Chemical Physics in 1969, Michael Lesk joined the computer science research group at Bell Laboratories, where he worked until 1984. Since 1984 he has managed the computer science research group at Bellcore. He is best known for work in electronic libraries, including the CORE project for chemical information, and for writing some Unix system utilities including those for table printing (tbl), lexical analyzers (lex), and inter-system mail (uucp). His other technical interests include document production and retrieval software, computer networks, computer languages, and human-computer interfaces.

He has been chair of the Association for Computing Machinery's special interest groups on Language Analysis and on Information Retrieval. During 1987 he was Senior Visiting Fellow of the British Library, and he is currently Visiting Professor of Computer Science at University College London. (Lesk, 1995)

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Bio from Bush Symposium, 1995

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© Mary E. Hopper [MEHopper] | MEHopper@TheWorld.com [posted 01/01/01 | revised 02/02/02]