Directed by Herbert Einstein
Content: Engineering, Civil/Geological
The Engineering Geology Educator consists of three modules:
The Physical Geology Tutor and the Application Modules I and II.
The Physical Geology Tutor consists of three submodules: the textbook,
the quiz, and the workbook. Currently physical geology tutor, is based
on AthenaMuse 1, and consists of 8 chapters. Total number of "pages"
in the 8 chapters approaches about 1500, of text, quizzes, and footnote pages.
The following are available to students.
Purpose: Supplement the experience that fieldtrips and slides in lectures are intended to provide.
Participants: Steve Lerman, Ben Davis, Evelyn Schlusselberg, Pat Kinnicutt
Evaluation Information: (Kinnicutt, 1992)
Software: The Physical Geology Tutor was originally written in C using GEPSE (General Engineering Problem Solving Environment) but has been reconstructed using Athena Muse. The new AthenaMuse based version replaced the original version in Spring 1990. Current software is written in C and FranzLISP for the advanced graphics workstations (DEC MicroVAX II's).
Hardware: The Geology Tutor runs on the standard VCG platform(s): color workstations (both IBM RT/PC's and Digital VAX station II's equipped with Parallax Graphics board systems which digitize analog video signal ) A visual workstation consists of a DEC MicroVAX II or IBM PC/RT (RISC technology), with Parallax Graphics board system and digital video adapter: an 18-inch color graphics monitor; keyboard; three-button mouse; Ethernet card: audio-video switcher; videodisc player; optical disc player; cable television box; and integrated stereo amplifier with headphone jack. The CPU requires 1 to 6 MIPS, 8 to 16 megabytes RAM, and a 40 to 100 megabyte dataless disk.