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Engineering Specific Career-planning And Problem-solving Environment
Engineering Research and Information Systems (ERIS), Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Directed by William LeBold

Content: Engineering, Careers
Contains information about different engineering disciplines, as well examples of the specific nature of problem solving in those disciplines. ESCAPE contains information on the engineering fields offered at Purdue University, with a long range goal of including virtually all US engineering fields. The system currently contains the specific types of information:

  • FIELDS, Descriptions of engineering careers (Based on Purdue's Programs);
  • STATISTICS, Career opportunity data with graphical representations;
  • PLANS, Complete engineering plans of study and course descriptions;
  • PROBLEMS, Problems illustrating key engineering problem-solving processes;
  • ORGANIZATIONS, Names, descriptions, history and addresses of organizations;
  • PUBLICATIONS, Names, descriptions and location of key publications by field.

    Purpose: Designed to provide a motivating answer to the critical question "What do engineers do?"

    Participants: Thomas Putnam, Robert Lawler, William LeBold, Sherman Ward, Judy Rehwinkel, Mary Hopper, Rob Tillotson

    Evaluation Information: (LeBold, Hopper & Feghali, 1991)

    Software: HyperCard and HyperNews
    Hardware: Apple Macintosh and Sun Sparc


    LeBold, W. K. and Hopper, M. E. (1992, November). Engineering student career development system: A multimedia application using HyperCard. Invited presentation at the Joint Meeting of the Central Indiana Section IEEE Computer Society, Indianapolis, IN.

    Hopper, M. E., LeBold, W. K., Feghali, A. A. (1991). A hypermedia-based problem solving approach to engineering, learning, working, and playing. Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, 73-78.

    LeBold, W. K., Hopper, M. E., Feghali, A. A. (1991). A hypermedia solution to a hyper problem: Personalized computer engineering career system. ASEE-IEEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Educational Research and Methods Division, 482-488.

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    © Mary E. Hopper [MEHopper] | MEHopper@TheWorld.com [posted 01/01/01 | revised 02/02/02]