Education Information System (Prototype, 1992)
Educational Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Directed by Mary Hopper
Assisted by Rob Tillotson
[This project was made possible through funding by the
Dean of Purdue's University School of Education. The system was developed
fairly rapidly by using the original HyperCard based interface
developed by Mary Hopper for use in the ESCAPE
system, which was a sucessful interactive information system developed
for Dr. William K. LeBold (described extensively elsewhere on this site)
The project was also a key step towards the later successful creation of a
prototype Purdue University Information System (PUIS).]
Purpose: This interactive information system was created to help students
learn more about education as a possible career.
Content: Contained basic information about all Academic Schools and
Departments in the Purdue University School of Education. Descriptions
of different areas and methodologies of education were presented.
Information was also given about the organizations and publications
typically read by various types of educators. Data on salaries,
employment opportunities, and employment sector were included.
Finally, typical plans of study and descriptions of courses
available at Purdue were given so that a student could identify
specific courses needed to prepare for education careers.
An un-addressed long term goal was to provide information on
the types of problems and methods used by educators to solve problems.
A prototype system was completed in the summer of 1992.
The system included information regarding the following specific categories:
- Competencies
- Courses
- Education
- Faculty
- Introduction
- Options
- Organizations
- Plans
- Publications
- Purdue
- Statistics
Unfortunately, most of the original Education Information System's
structured data was not exported from HyperCard and reimplemented
in an identifiable format, and has thus not enjoyed the extensive
publicity or reuse as its sister system, ESCAPE. Most of the
original system's data and structure is not currently available
over the internet and the World Wide Web.
For further technical details of this work, see descriptions of the design
and construction of the earlier Engineering project on this site.
A demo of the original HyperCard version is also available upon request.
on the web
Current School of Education Information System (closest relative to the prototype)
© Mary E. Hopper [MEHopper] |
[posted 01/01/01 | revised 02/02/02]