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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is an independent,
coeducational university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Mary E. Hopper held a number of affiliations at MIT.
This page outlines her positions and activities.

Postdoctoral Associate, Comparative Media Studies (1998-2000)
School of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences
Served as Managing Editor of Media-in-Transition, a joint project of the MIT Communications Forum, the Comparative Media Studies Program, and the Markle Foundation. This was the flagship project of the newly formed Comparative Media Studies Masters Program at MIT. The project was designed to generate a corpus of appropriate curriculum materials for the new program. Coordinated work on the project with outside contractors, undergraduate research assistants and graduate students. Performed web master duties that included site programming, editing and posting as well as systems administration for the Communications Forum and Media-in-Transition web servers. Co-organized the first Media-in-Transition International Conference. Complied the majority of summaries for project events which were posted on the web site. Also assisted Henry Jenkins with 21L.015 Introduction to Media Studies, an introductory course that utilized Media-in-Transition content as an evolving curriculum.

Comparative Media Studies
MIT Communications Forum
Media in Transition
Media-in-Transition International Conference
21L015 Introduction to Media Studies

Visiting Scientist, Center for Educational Computing Initiatives (1996-1998)
Compiled the final report about Networked Multimedia Information Services, the main project of a research consortium co-funded by NSF, IBM and Turner Learning. Collected information using ethnographic interviews, created documentation and produced print and electronic versions for distribution to all project constituencies. Participated in writing further proposals to funding agencies and corporations, including NIST, IBM Watson Research, Turner Learning and NSF. Also served as editor for the last edition of documentation for AthenaMuse 2, an experimental "java-like" authoring language originally intended to serve as multimedia extensions to X-Windows. Interviewed participants, analyzed and compared existing code and documentation to determine needs, and generated print and electronic versions of the documentation.

Hopper, M. E. (Ed.) (1997). Networked Multimedia Information Services: Final report. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Educational Computing Initiatives.
Ali-Ahmad, et.al. [Hopper, M. E. (Ed.)] (1996). AthenaMuse 2.2 Documentation.. Cambridge, MA: Center for Educational Computing Initiatives, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Hopper, M. E. (1998). Assessment in WWW-based learning systems: Opportunities and challenges. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 4(4), 330-348. (Special issue on evaluation edited by Patricia Carlson.)
Hopper, M. E. (Ed.) (1997). Networked Multimedia Information Services: Final report. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Educational Computing Initiatives.
Hopper, M. E. & Lawler, R. W. (1997). A progress report for the Head Start-Apple Logo Project. In R. W. Lawler (Ed.), Learning and computing: A dual-medium book (pp. 36-40). UK: Intellect Books.
Hopper, M. E. (Contributor) (1995). University examples: MIT's Athena Project, Purdue's ESCAPE, organizational issues. In R. Rada (Ed.), Designing educational hypermedia: Coordination and reuse (pp. 84-91). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Hopper, M. E. (1994). Usable software in advanced educational computing projects. ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, 28(1), 46-48.

Hopper, M. E. & Summer, R. B. (2001, February). Where's the media? Models for creating and distributing teacher and student made digital media [Abstract]. Presentation at Second Wiring the Classroom Conference. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Hopper, M. E. (2000, January). Knowledge systems 101: From Alexandria to Hitchhiker's Guide [Short course, 4 sessions, 2-hours each]. Independent Activity Period (IAP), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Hopper, M. E. (1998, October). Hypertext in historical context: Vannevar Bush and Ted Nelson revisited. Presentation for the Media-in-Transition Project / Communications Forum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Hopper, M.E. (1997, March). The role of learners in the construction of successful courseware projects in distributed academic computing environments [Abstract]. Round-table presentation, Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, Advanced Technologies for Learning (SIG-ATL), Chicago, IL.

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© Mary E. Hopper [MEHopper] | MEHopper@TheWorld.com [posted 01/01/01 | revised 12/09/06]