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ED 285, Educational Psychology (Now EDPS 230)

Mary Hopper served as Course Coordinator and Instructor for this course from 1986 to 1989 while studying for her M.S. in Educational Psychology. She assisted the Course Director, Dr. Kathryn Linden, with managing instruction and evaluation for a required multi-section undergraduate course which employed 10 graduate instructors and served approximately 350 students each semester. Coordinated the construction of three norm-referenced tests made by course instructors under the supervision of the Course Director. Compiled an extensive test item data bank with 10 years of detailed item analysis data. The resulting tests were very similar to the ETS's National Teaching Exam. She also taught one or two sections of the course per semester where she oversaw course labs structured around extensive small group problem solving exercises. ]

This course is designed to develop understanding of the psychological processes of learning and instruction in a variety of learning environments. Learning theory, instructional models and strategies, principles of motivation and reinforcement, and methods of assessing learning outcomes are emphasized.

More TBA later..

© Mary E. Hopper [MEHopper] | MEHopper@TheWorld.com [posted 01/01/01 | revised 02/02/02]