Bird Photos Taken in Massachusetts in 2013 by Eva
By December 24 I had photographed 164 avian species in MA in 2013 and 238 this century. The pictures are of uneven quality but then so were the sightings. I am constrained by a self-imposed rule to showcase only species not given the limelight on my 2010, 2011 or 2012 pages.
There is a photo collection spreadsheet in Excel and in html, naming which species were in each set.
This Venn Diagram shows how many species I photographed in each of 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 or only in some of those years. There are mistakes in it because the circles do not add up. Feel free to use the spreadsheet to identify mistakes. I'd appreciate the help.
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Black-and-white Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Eastern Screech Owl
Barred Owl
Purple Sandpipers
Northern Pintail
King Eider
Ring-necked Duck
female Pine Grosbeak
Common Redpoll
White-winged Crossbill
female Blue Grosbeak
Horned Grebe
Carolina Wren
Northern Lapwing
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Downy Woodpecker
Pine Siskin
Northern Flicker
White-crowned Sparrow
Spotted Sandpiper
Barn Swallow
Upland Sandpiper
Black-necked Stilt
Willow Flycatcher
Eastern Towhee
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Swainson's Thrush
Purple Finch
Greater Scaup
Broad-winged Hawk
White-rumped Sandpiper
female American Redstart
Little Blue Heron
Laughing Gull
Semipalmated Sandpiper
A sampling of other avian species, in taxonomic order (unlike the thumbnails above):
Massachusetts 2018
Massachusetts 2015-2017
Massachusetts 2014
Massachusetts 2012
Massachusetts 2011
Massachusetts 2010
Birding Nantucket for a decade there, annually at New Year's
Birding Phoenix 2018
Birding Ireland 2016
Birding Yellowstone and northern Utah 2015
Birding Hawaii 2012
Birding Arizona 2010
Birding Utah 2009
Birding Guatemala 2008
Birding Kansas 2008
Birding Mexico 2007
Birding Florida 2006
Birding Texas 2005
Birding Panama 2005
Birding Belize 2002
Birding Colorado 2001
Birding Ecuador 1999
Birding Trinidad 1998
Birding Peru June 1995
Sketches of birds and other animals made at the Harvard Museum of Natural History from stuffed models.
White-winged Crossbill cover-design on our 2012 Christmas Card
Sketches of birds and other animals made at the Harvard Museum of Nattural History from stuffed models.
Herman's Home Page
Eva's Home Page
Last revised: Dec. 10, 2018