Birds near Villahermosa and Palenque Mexico
March 8-16, 2007

Bare-throated Tiger-Heron
Aztec Parakeet
Fork-tailed Flycatcher
Double-striped Thick-knee
Laughing Falcon
Black-collared Hawk
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
Snail Kite
Scrub Euphonia
Feruginous Pygmy-Owl
Lineated Woodpecker
Gray-necked Wood-Rail
Keel-billed Toucan
Roadside Hawk
Groove-billed Ani
Wood Stork
Pinnated Bittern
Bat Falcon
Muscovy Duck
Black Vultures
Scarlet-rumped Tanager
Vermilion Flycatcher
Lesser Nighthawk
Crested Caracara
Long-tailed Hermit
male Amazon Kingfisher
The images on this page are all small, between 2k and 99k bytes.
Other Perspectives on Species Already Showcased Above:
A Sampling of Other Bird Species Sighted:
Birds in Flight:
Nesting Birds:
Multiple Avian Species in the Same Frame:
Unidentified Birds:
Poor pictures, but the birds are identifiable:
Other Wildlife:
- Howler Monkeys
- This lizard appears to be molting.
- Rose-bellied Lizard;
another angle.
- Similar, but with a splash of red.
- Lizard with stripes.
- Another anole/lizard/gecko type animal
- Scorpion Mud Turtle from above;
from below.
- Snake; snake eye
- Walking back from dinner in the dark at Chan Kah we heard something and turned our flashlight on it.
It was a furry arboreal animal with very large eyes, upright ears, and a long tail. The next day we described it to the
staff--though we did not have much Spanish nor they any English. They called it a "zorros." I know
zorro means fox, but The Ecotravewllers' Wildlife Guide to Belize and Northern Guatamala
by Les Beletsky, seems to apply it to Opossums too. We think we may have seen a Central American Woolly
Opossum. Belize is about 200 miles to the East, and the Mexican state of Chiapas (where Palenque is
located) borders Guatamala--Palenque looks to be about 120 miles from Guatamala as the crow flies.
By the way, we touched on the Mexican State of Campeche the day we birded our way from Jonuta through the
Usumacinta marshes to Hwy 186 and thence back to Villahermosa (Capital of the state of Tabasco).
Farm animals:
Places and Things:
I, Eva, the author of this page, am not a birder. The people I was with are. I personally saw
(as opposed to heard) about 142 avian species on this trip. There were quite a few times the others saw birds
that I missed despite my companions' patient help, but not being a birder, those misses did not frustrate
me. The union of what the group "got" (heard counts) is about 200 species over 9 days on the
ground in Mexico. I got recognizable photographs of about 90 avian species. So I photographed about
63% of what I personally saw, and about 45% of what the group "got." The group consisted of four people
March 8 and 9 in the marshes (We stayed at the Best Western Maya Tabasco in Villahermosa), and just my husband
Herman and me in a rental car staying at Chan Kah near Palenque March 10-16. Saturday March 10 was spent
mainly picking up the rental car, travelling on major roads to Palenque, finding a late lunch, getting settled,
and going to Mass (interesting!).
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Birding Ireland 2016
Birding Yellowstone and northern Utah 2015
Birding Hawaii 2011
Birding Arizona 2010
Birding Utah 2009
Birding Guatemala 2008
Birding Kansas 2008
Birding South Florida 2006
Birding Texas 2005
Birding Nantucket, annually, at New Year's
Birding Panama 2005
Birding Belize 2002
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Birding Trinidad 1998
Birding Peru June 1995
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The photos on this page were taken with my Canon Digital Camera w/ 12X zoom lens.
This page has been accessed
times since May 17, 2007
Last revised: August 8, 2019