My wife Eva wanted to photograph Harlequin Ducks for her birds-photographed-in-MA-in-2010 list, so we went to
Halibut Point State Park in Rockport. We were walking down the wide gravel road from the parking
lot to the ocean. Just beyond the gate we heard a couple of crows making a fuss. Eva looked into the woods
to the left and said "There's a Great Horned Owl
in plain sight!" It was another addition for her birds-photographed year list. --Herman D'Entremont, March 18, 2010
Glenn's BBC South Beach trip Saturday August 4, 2007. South Beach is off Chatham, Cape Cod, MA.
Herman took Eva to Rockport to see Harlequin Ducks Jan. 6, 2007
because a distant look at Harlequins on Nantucket the previous weekend had whetted her interest. They are only in MA in the winter.
Collage of
Harlequin Ducks taken at Halibut Point State Park, Rockport MA.
More Harlequin pictures, one Northern Gannet picture, and pictures of two species of seals taken on that outing.
There's also a 3 second video of an Eider diving
Eva accompanied Herman a few times in Spring 2003.
Taking pictures of sightings enhances her fun.
Redwing Blackbird displaying. Scotland Road, Newburyport, April 14. Common but get a load of those epaulettes! (16k bytes)
Glossy Ibis, Newburyport Harbor. Not a great pic, but the Ibis was a year bird for Herman and Oakes. April 14. (42k)
Common Grackle: irridescent if not unusual. April 27 (32k)
Wood Duck, male Mt. Auburn April 27 (61k)
Wood Duck, female Great Meadows, Concord, May 5 (29k)
White-throated sparrow, Mt. Auburn April 27. (25k)
A young red-tailed hawk resident in Mt. Auburn:
on a monument holding a turtle,(25k) ;
on the ground, (33k) ;
in a tree, (26k) .
Eva made a
"movie" of this hawk feasting on a kill
Screech Owl, Mt. Auburn
May 5 (35k)
This American Bittern made a
grand entrance at Mt. Auburn May 11, landing in front of a large group of
birders. (13k)
Eva captured its exit in a "movie"; Herman cannot remember having seen a Bittern in Mt. A. before.
Baltimore Oriole,
Mt. Auburn May 5 (27k)
Green Heron, Mt. Auburn
April 27 (24k)
Palm Warbler, May 5, Mt. Auburn. (8k)
Black-and-white Warbler, (13k) Mt. Auburn May 11;
same individual from rear underside (14k)
Yellow-rumped Warbler,(10k)
a common sight at Mt.Auburn. May 11;
another (13k);
Once again, from the top, (6k) .
male Brown-headed Cowbirds, Mt. Auburn May 5 (18k);
Brown-headed Cowbird in a postcard pose, (32k).
Limping fox, Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, MA. April 27 (26k)
Muskrat, Great Meadows, Concord, MA. May 5 (29k)
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Last revised: May 2, 2015