Little Videos

Mostly Shot by Eva

Please send suggestions to
Movies in .mpg, .mov, .rm and/or .wmv formats

The Kin's Speech Eva's first animated feature, built around a speech she made in 1964, a practice recording of which recently surfaced in her sister's attic.(138 sec):

With apologies to Meredith Willson and Robert Preston.
Scene from the 1962 movie "The Music Man" from which I cribbed my speech.

An articulated figure marching to "76 Trombones." Eva's proof-of-concept video short. (50 sec.):

Catch Me If You Can

After Sunrise

Trembling before Feeding

Dirty Dancing


Bloom A female ruby-throated hummingbird taking nectar from blue blooms. This video was taken September 10, 2015 on Marie and Larry's patio on Lake Monona, Madison, Wisconsin

Tampopo A rabbit eating a dandelion like a noodle. (2Mb) This video was taken May 4, 2010 in Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge MA

If you have Active X enabled, or if you have Shockwave or Flash, you will see a video screen embedded in the page just below this sentence, the optimal size for its video.

The following were taken at Brazos Bend State Park in Texas Columbus Day 2005.

The Task of the Armadillo (4Mb) and Stormy Monday (3Mb)
Armadillos are semi-nocturnal and like shade. We saw quite a few on this overcast day.

If you have Active X enabled, or if you have Shockwave or Flash, you will see two video screens embedded in the page just below this sentence, each the optimal size for its video.

Otherwise click here to see Nine-banded Armadillo To increase quality, make your browser smaller while the video is playing.

There are still pictures of Texas wildlife on my Texas page

The anteater, the sloth, and the white capuchin monkey immediately below were taken in Panama in February 2005.

Diner (4Mb, .mov) and Tamandua, the Sequel (2Mb, .mov)
This anteater was photographed at Fort San Lorenzo in Panama the last week of February 2005. I knew what it was soon as I saw it because it was in my Belize book. In Belize (the book says--we did not see it in that country) it is known as an "ant bear". The animal can be active day or night.

If you have Active X enabled, or if you have Shockwave or Flash, you will see two video screens embedded in the page just below this sentence, each the optimal size for its video.

Otherwise click here to see the zoomed Northern Tamandua and here to see the same individual unzoomed working the other side of the tree, both at browser-filling size. To increase quality, make your browser smaller while the video is playing.

Sleuth (3.7Mb) & Monkey Business (2.29Mb).
Sleuth is an unusually active 3-toed sloth near Achiote Road; Our guide Michael Castro recognized the White Capuchin Monkey's call. This video captures the sound. so we waited a couple of minutes until a troop of about 20 leaped across Pipeline Road in Panama.

If you have Active X enabled, or if you have Shockwave or Flash, you will see video screens the optimal size for these videos embedded in the page just below this sentence.
Otherwise click here to see the sloth and here to see the Monkey Business video at browser-filling size. To increase quality, make your browser smaller while the video is playing.

There are still pictures of the Tamandua, Sloth and Monkeys on my Panama page

Belize, March 2002: Woodstork (2.4Mb) & Tarzan (1.6Mb).
The Wood Stork is a "tactile feeder." The Howler Monkey video was taken at Bermudian Landing. There are more stills and videos of these and other animals on my Belize Page

If you have Active X enabled, or if you have Shockwave or Flash, you will see video screens the optimal size for these videos embedded in the page just below this sentence.

Otherwise click here to see the Wood Stork video and here to see the Howler Monkey video at browser-filling size. To increase quality, make your browser smaller while the video is playing.

The following videos were taken in Massachusetts

WALK TO HERe (493k, .rm) The mallard at the place where we didn't see the white-winged crossbills.
Guess Who's Come For Dinner (428k, .rm) The Merlin at Madaket, Nantucket, atop a pole eating a smaller bird.
Kute (592k, .mov), a "movie" starring an American Coot.

Flushdunce (748k, .mov).

An American Bittern made a rare appearance in Mt. Auburn at Spectacle Pond Sunday May 11, 2003. It landed and stood stock still in plain view of many delighted birders for minutes until an oblivious boy disturbed it.

Bite Hawk Down (2Mb, .rm)
A young Red-tailed hawk in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge MA, May 7, 2003, eating prey

If you have Active X enabled, or if you have Shockwave or Flash, you will see a video screen the optimal size for this video embedded in the page just below this sentence.

Otherwise click here to see the red-tailed hawk video at browser-filling size. To optimize quality, shrink your browser while the movie is playing.

Eider Down (200k, .wmv); Same video in Quicktime format (321k, .mov)

An eider diving straight down to the bottom for mussels.

Spirit of the Sea Dive (89k, .mpg)

.mov (Quick Time) (358k)
Uncut, in .rm (Real Media) Format (453k)
Double-Crested Cormorants at Plum Island, Massachusetts, Sept. 15, 2002

Video inchage of a Marsh Wren (1Mb, .mov)
at Great Meadows in Concord, Massachusetts, May 22 2011.

If you have Active X enabled, or if you have Shockwave or Flash, you will see a video screen the optimal size for this video embedded in the page just below this sentence.

Otherwise click here to see the Marsh Wren video sized to your browser. To optimize quality, shrink your browser while the movie is playing.

Day of the Iguana (262k, .mov)

Flute Bill Hewitt of the Empty Sky Go Club playing his Shakuhachi flute This video was taken November 27, 2015 in Corbett's Glen near Rochester NY

Credits: These next 2 were downloaded from before they closed access to their mpegs.

The Breakfast Flub (78k)

Coldfinger Not (38k)

Alternate title suggestions welcomed. If used you'll get a by-line.

birds.html Stills of the Red-tailed Hawk and the American bittern individuals shown in motion on this page.
texas.html Stills of the Armadillo
florida.html Stills of red-headed woodpeckers, wood storks...
nantucket.html The video of the Merlin was made on Nantucket.
belize.html More mpg/mov/rm/wmv "movies" taken, like the Iguana on this page, taken in Belize in 2004.
panama.html Stills of the animals we saw in Panama in 2005, some of which (Tamandua, Capuchin Monkeys, sloth) are shown in motion on the page you are viewing.
bookfilm.html Reviews of real movies (feature length, professional), and books too.
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Last updated Dec. 15, 2020 a.m.