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organizations [index] | pu | school of humanities, social science & education (hsse)

[Used to be the School of Humanities, Social Science & Education (HSSE).
Since Mary Hopper received her degrees, a separate School of Education
was founded, and so this school was renamed the School of Liberal Arts.
She received her B.A. in 1985 with majors in English Literature and
Junior High and Secondary English Education. She also completed other
courses in Literature, Creative Writing, Language and Linguistics
and Communication as well as Art and Design. In addition, she completed
enough courses in the department of Psychology for a second major.]

  • School of Education (Used to be a department.)
  • Department of English
  • Humanities, Social Science and Education Library

    on the web

    Today's College of Liberal Arts.

    © Mary E. Hopper [MEHopper] | MEHopper@TheWorld.com [posted 01/01/01 | revised 12/12/12]