[This page was part of an early version of Cosma and is here for historical/archival purposes.
Please visit this page for the current version Cosma, media.]
While many of the same issues that operate in traditional media systems operate in today's digital projects, there are also many other issues that are particular to electronic or digital media environments. Therefore, one of the most important sources of coding for projects will be based on the ACM Computing Classification System [1998 Version, Valid 2002].
E-Media: Electronic media with integrated functions, seamless usability for author and user,
as well as adaptability over systems and time.
The development of E-Media has been shaped by a wide variety of forces:
User Friendly Interfaces
People like Douglas Engelbart,
Ivan Sutherland and
Alan Kay pioneered "friendly" mouse
driven graphical user interfaces at places like
Steve Jobs and
Steve Wozniak, et. al
finished the job for the general public at
Apple Computer 15 years ago.
Of course, Bill Gates has also caught
up with and surpassed the others at the game eventually.
Conglomerate Meta-Media Emerges
The spread of user friendly computer interfaces took place concurrently
with an amalgamation of modern media into a converging digital source.
Negroponte, of the
MIT Media Lab, is best known for his
efforts to publicize and hasten this convergence:
"All communication technologies are suffering a joint metamorphosis,
which can only be understood properly if treated as a single subject,
and only advanced properly if treated as a single craft."
(Brand, 1988)
The convergence of media in digital formats is clearly underway,
and media industries are deeply embroiled in heated squabbling
about the increasing overlap in their markets. Yet, when you look
at Negroponte's famous "2000 Slide" representing the convergence
of all types of media, what do you call the area in the middle?
It may aptly be called a "meta-media", because, as
Alan Kay has pointed out, it is
a purely digital form of media that subsumes all others through
its ability to emulate them.
Meta-Media Goes Paradigm Shifting
Marshall McLuhan's "Global Village"
is materializing right in the middle of Negroponte's primeval soup
of developments in communications technologies. The US Congress
has insured that massive fiber optic electronic "highways" will
be put into place to support and encourage a growing number of
these media and communications activities over networks in the
future (Gore, 1992).
The soon to be released "Net-Ready Computers" carry with them a
revolution in the computing paradigm like that which occurred
in the shift from mainframe computers to microcomputers in the
1970s and 1980s. In an article entitled "Networked Computing
in the 1990's," Tesler (1991)
provided a description of the new paradigm and its relationship
to the older paradigms. He also described many larger implications
of computing paradigm shifts, including changes in the role of users,
the types of data used, and the types of activities performed by users
(activities and operations).
Four Major Computing Paradigms (1960s-1990s)
Electronic media authors are beginning to realize that entering
the new computing paradigm implies changes in their roles as authors too.
Hyper This and That
Ted Nelson's "hypertext"
(later expanded to "hypermedia") is one of the key factors
that has influenced the shape of emerging electronic media
arriving today. "Hypermedia" refers to databases of linked
media of all types. While small semi-functional hypermedia
products like Apple's HyperCard were popular ten years ago
while computer interfaces were gaining their basic social skills,
today, user interfaces are mastering the art of full blown networking.
Today's software supports highly integrated functions capable
of accessing and manipulating many widely distributed databases
of linked text, graphics, sound and video over distributed
international networks. The dawn of these environments will
allow a robust implementation of the "hyperotic" environment
envisioned by the early pioneers in the field
(Bush, 1995).
E-This and E-That
Concretely, hyper-meta-media is about to move over high speed
communications lines and come at you from your computer and
almost every other electronic device around you. Most media
companies are moving towards making large databases of
electronic media available on the Internet.
Specific types of media coded in tightly defined formats moving
through traditional channels may soon be a thing of the past
as the mental bounds of analog media are overcome. Millions
of users already click effortlessly along through huge archives
of varied digital media formats with the easy to use interactive
interface of the WWW.
While publishers use trendy terms like "Hypermedia",
"Multimedia" or "New Media", users don't care much about what
to call what is on their screen. As more and more converged
media becomes easily available, the issue of what to call it
just doesn't keep up.
There is a movement at large to just add the prefix "e-" to all
electronic media (e.g. e-book, e-journal and e-mail, the
forefather of the movement). This works for now, because
in the early days of any revolution the first applications
emulate traditional means in a safe and functionally fixed manner.
Eventually, these terms will become less apt and more obscure as
the electronic referents become more distant from their analog
An Open Definition of E-Media
Eskimos have a large number of terms to define the infinite variety of snow
they experience, but they still recognize them all as variant forms of the
larger category snow.
Instead of defining electronic media by an endless series of obscure or
trendy prefixes, it may be clearer to start by creating an open and
inclusive definition for the broad converged globally linked electronic
media format that is already above the horizon with the single term "E-Media."
This term then can
subsume the many subtle emerging forms and endless new manifestations,
some of which will never have an analog counterpart. The term should
also have an open technical definition.
Physical media has been defined by means of the discreet physical form
in which it is embodied. A better approach for E-Media is to define
it by what it should be, which is the ultimate in human-media interaction
by means of a computer. "In some ways, the people who first described hypertext -
Bush, Engelbart and Nelson- all had the same vision of hypertext as a
path to ultimate human-computer interaction, a vision which is still
alive today among hypertext researchers."
(Conklin, 1987, p. 20).
The key to this view of E-Media is that it is achieved at the point
at which technical limits are overcome, so that authors become free
to deal with more abstract issues. In a conversation between
Robert Lawler
and Mary Hopper, Lawler (personal interview, July 20, 1992)
refers to this critical point:
Lawler: I think the example of virtual memory will demonstrate an important point.
Before virtual memory, programmers did horrible things to get programs to run in
limited real memories, but after the introduction of virtual memory, people could
escape from limitations of the machine. The question is one of reaching a critical
point of available resources, to escape from the focus on the issues of design
which are primarily economic and primarily physical, into the focus on design
issues which are primarily logical and organizational in terms of what is coherent.
If this approach to defining E-Media is taken seriously, an open
technical definition must include multiple integrated functions
to provide flexible support for broad media goals. In addition,
the definition must include the attributes that make E-Media
usable, as well as adaptable for availability and change in
distributed computing environments. Most importantly,
the definition must be open to change over time as the
requirements needed to achieve the ideal of computer
mediated human-media interaction emerge.
At the minimum, this Swiss army knife approach to defining
authoring and presentation tools must include seamless
usability of multiple functions that are adaptable and
stable over time. At the present time, E-Media authors
know that there are no tools on the market yet that are
truly adequate. However, dedicated authors continue
to make do until the real thing comes along.
on the web
Cosma, Media Page