Patented by H. Williamson, New York, Dec. 3, 1867. Glass celestial sphere not original and without celestial markings. ...$19,500..(23K)
MICROSCOPE by Smith, Beck and Beck featuring a sprocket and chain driven focus mechanism. The square machined body tube is typical mid Victorian. The serial number of 3591 dates the instrument to 1863. ...$1,782..(38K)
1880 PATENT MODEL - BALLOT BOXES American, patented April 20, 1880 by J. Welch of Delphos, Ohio, patent number 226,689. Used for blackballing votes. ...$950..(81K)
STEREOSCOPE German, 1st half 20th century, signed on the eyepiece frame "ZEISS IKON." Made of mahogany with a metal slide holder for 45 x 107mm glass stereo slides.
MERCURY BAROMETER Early 1800s. Working order and in superb condition. Mahogany and ebony.
UNUSUAL STEAM ENGINE with two connecting rods dropping down to two vertical slides, which are both driven from the single vertical cylinder via the red transverse beam. Running condition and fine.
OUTDOOR ARMILLARY A garden-friendly celestial sphere based on the Ptolemy theory of the universe with the earth being stationary at the center.
MICROSCOPE Powell & Lealand, 170 Euston Road, London. The instrument is signed in script and dated 1873. From perhaps the best 19th century microscope manufacturer.
STEREOSCOPE VERY WIDE FIELD by LEEP First demonstrated publicly 1984/85 at the Boston Museum of Science. Part of the permanent exhibit at the San Francisco Explora-torium since 1986. The Virtual Reality optics.
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VACUUM PUMP Irish, 4th quarter 19th century, signed on an ivory plaque "J. Robinson & Sons, 65 Grafton St, DUBLIN." Mahogany base. Includes bell jars and Magdeburg hemispheres.
PANTOGRAPH Sold, but beautiful...(28K)
STATIC ELEC-TRICAL INFLUENCE MACHINES A whole line of Wimshurst repros is built for performance as well as good looks.
...$1,450 to $2,200