 inside left
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The envelope, please:
Alternate images of the felt birds:
We saw a lot of sheep in Ireland. That's one reason I cut these trip bird depictions out of wool felt.
 inside left
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The envelope, please:
Alternate medley of photos with red-bellied_woodpecker
Alternate medley of photos with sculpture and car trouble.
 inside left
 inside right
Here's a  printable, foldable card. The inside panels are upside down so that, if printed, the card can be folded twice resulting in a card with everything right side up and the cover, inside and back panels all in position. In this image I used an  alternate photograph of me and my cat Miai in our insulated house.
The envelope, please:
Here's a zoom on the long-eared_owl address label, which didn't miniaturize well...
and a sampling of the other stickers used:
 Bullock's oriole,
my snow shovel is a wovel,
 Mollie and Ida getting the white-fronted goose,
 Anna's hummingbird,
a kestrel, and
 put your right foot in.
Alternate medley of photos including a wild pony of Chincoteague
Alternate medley of photos including Kathy and Mary's introduction to birding.
My Christmas card cover was meant to commemorate the insulation of my house in 2018. I wonder if it would have helped if I included a proportionally sized can of house paint in the tableau, because I did say in my year summary that I had my house insulated and the interior painted. As it was, two recipients told me they took it as a crèche! They seemed to have liked it, so I take it no blasphemous intent was perceived. Did they think I was taking a break between creating the stable and moving in the holy family and the animals?
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Some recipienmts thought my opossum was a rat. After Chinese New Year, 2020 is the Year of the Rat, so that works too.
Here's a  printable, foldable card. The inside panels are upside down so that, if printed, the card can be folded twice resulting in a card with everything right side up and the cover, inside and back panels all in position.
The envelope, please:
Here's a sampling of other stickers used:
 Yellow-bellied_Sapsucker at its well,
 Red-breasted Nuthatch on Ida's windowsill,
 Dark-eyed Junco in an evergreen tree,
 Harlequin Ducks,
 Blackburnian Warbler in a pine tree,
 Red-bellied Woodpecker,
 Great-crested Grebe in France,
 Bee Eaters in France,
 Flamingo in the Carmargue, and
 Burmese Shrike in Vietnam.
Alternate medley of photos, including Eva at Carcasonne in France and on a water buffalo in Vietnam
Here's a horizontally-oriented medley celebrating get-togethers with friends and family.
This photo medley remembers a brunch with three high school friends, the basket-boat in Vietnam, and birding France.
 Our O.A.T. group in Vietnam.  Thanh our wonderful leader.
My birding trip to France is detailed here.
The back cover of my 2019 card is  panel 2 of a  5-panel graphic saga about discovering my half brother.
 inside left
 inside right
Here's a  printable, foldable card. The inside panels are upside down so that, if printed, the card can be folded twice resulting in a card with everything right side up and the cover, inside and back panels all in position.
The envelope, please:
Here's a sampling of other stickers used:
 American Avocet,
 American Pipet,
 belted Kingfisher,
 Cooper's Hawk,
 Green Heron,
 Hudsonian Godwit,
 Long-tailed Duck,
 Pileated Woodpecker, and
 Purple Sandpiper.
The envelope, please:
Summary of my 2021:
Summary of Eva's 2021 in Word form
 The variety and proportion of stickers I used.,
Variations on KBJ: KBJ in red, KBJ in green
The envelope, please:
Summary of my 2022:
Summary of Eva's 2022 in Word form
Four Variations on the photo medley printed on the other side of the text summary:
Sketching at the Harvard Museum of Natural History.
George R. Casey's Memorial page.
Birds photographed by Eva in Massachusetts in 2018
Birds photographed by Eva in Massachusetts in 2015-2017
Birds photographed by Eva in Massachusetts in 2014
Birds photographed by Eva in Massachusetts in 2013
Birds photographed by Eva in Massachusetts in 2012
Birds photographed by Eva in Massachusetts in 2011
Birds photographed by Eva in Massachusetts in 2010
Birding France 2019
Birding Phoenix 2018
Bird photos I took within driving distance of San Diego 2017
birding Ireland in 2016.
birding Yellowstone and the Salt Lake City Area in 2015.
birding Hawaii in 2011 with Herman and Oakes
2010 birding Arizona.
2009 birding Utah.
2008 birding Guatemala.
2008 birding Kansas.
2007 birding Mexico.
book and movie lists from years past.
Last revised: December 23, 2022