1993 Version (Hopper, 1993)
Intermedia was constructed using object-oriented programming techniques,
and it was designed to provide instructors with the tools to construct
exploratory learning environments for their students and work environments
to support their own day-to-day work, research and writing." The first
Prototypes of the Intermedia system were developed on the 128K Macintosh
and SUN workstations in 1985. The first working version of Intermedia,
used during the 1986-87 academic year, ran on the IBM RT PC under
Berkeley 4.2 UNIX operating system. This version used a software
implementation of the Macintosh toolbox to provide a suer interface
largely identical to that found on most Macintosh programs. The computers
were equipped with 20" monochrome monitors....The software was made available
on a network of 15 workstations in an experimental classroom at Brown in
early 1986 and revised heavily in late 1986. Three courses made use of
this classroom are described below. A third version of Intermedia running
on the Apple Macintosh II under A/UX 1.0 was developed beginning in late 1987.
This version included a redesign of the text editor, now called InterWord
because of its use of style sheets like Microsoft Word, and a copy of the
graphics editor, the timeline editor, and the bitmap vi ewer for the Macintosh.
InterLex a module for looking up words in Houghton-Mifflin's American Heritage
Dictionary, was added a general service to the system. from kahn and launhardt
not in database. Since April 1989 it has been available for general distribution:
During academic year 1988-89, this A/UX version of Intermedia was stabilized and
made ready for general release. The software was installed in a regular classroom
containing 25 Macintosh II computers at Brown's Center for Information Technology.
Version 3.0 Functionality
Hardware: Intermedia 3.0 Runs under A/UX 1.1, Apple's version of the
UNIX operating system.
A/UX 1.1 will run on the Macintosh IIx, IIcx and IIci. Intermedia requires
a minimum of 5 megabytes of memory (Intermedia's performance is greatly
improved by a full 8 megabytes of memory) and an 80 megabyte hard disk.
A/UX 1.1 leaves only about 15-20 megabytes of free disk space on an 80
megabyte hard disk. A Network installation requires the two 80 megabyte
hard disks and 8 megabytes of memory for the server machine and a single
80 megabyte hard disk and either 5 or 8 megabytes of memory for each client
machine. Each machine on the network requires an ethernet card. A single
printer is shared by the entire network.
on the web
Introduction to Intermedia (Landow)
Part of the much longer history of HyperText at Brown