resources | nelson, 1995
Nelson, Theodor Holm (1995). Where the Trail Leads [Abstract, Transcript, Video].
Presentation at As We May Think -- A Celebration of Vannevar Bush's 1945 Vision,
An Examination of What Has Been Accomplished, and What Remains to Be Done.
(Nelson, 1995)
Impedance and Impudence Mismatch [Transcription of Video]
Nelson: When I would say on the street, well you see, what I am trying to do is build a new literature in which you have automatic copyright handling by electronic means, since anyone is free to quote anybody else, but they are only referencing the original object which is then taken out, and the royalty is paid on a prorated basis to the copyright holder on each frame, audio sample, or arbitrary piece of text. If anybody sat through that during the 1960s, they would blink a few times, and then say, "is it like a tape?" And I was mystified by this answer, because I never understood people. I know now that some people listen more slowly than others. So, when I talk, there is an impedance mismatch, because I generally talk fast, and it is like trying to drive a high frequency to a heavy load. Impedance mismatch, impudence mismatch, whatever.
© Mary E. Hopper [MEHopper] |
[posted 01/01/01 | revised 02/02/02]