resources | nelson, 1995
Nelson, Theodor Holm (1995). Where the Trail Leads [Abstract, Transcript, Video].
Presentation at As We May Think -- A Celebration of Vannevar Bush's 1945 Vision,
An Examination of What Has Been Accomplished, and What Remains to Be Done.
(Nelson, 1995)
Media Design [Transcription of Video]
Nelson: I see the design of media as a holy art -- not a science, not engineering and not a question of what software is working. It is a question of what structure we need for the ideas that flit through the human mind. Psychologist want to study ideas by first studying the mind. I say it is the other way around. Let's study ideas and how they fit together, because what is the human mind, but a vessel to hold ideas and play with them. Creating those canvases - those playing fields upon which the mind can romp, and we can put our Rossetta stones, our Stonehenge stones and our counting pebbles to share them, understand them, and represent the pointsof view that we need to communicate - this is the great issue.
© Mary E. Hopper [MEHopper] |
[posted 01/01/01 | revised 02/02/02]