The Plover Warden Diaries


My Experiences as a Plover Warden at Plum Island

piping plover stamp

The Plover Warden Diaries

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Plum Island




Bonus winter postings:

December 23: bird on an antenna
Festival of the Cranes Photos

The 2005 nesting season postings...

August 29: year in review
July 30:
all the birds
July 26:
this just in
July 23:
bits from the beach
July 16:
July 9:
rain delay format
July 2:
a top ten day
June 25:
a long way to the water line
June 18:
comparative flycatching
June 11:
the heat of the day
June 4:
a whole different beach
May 21:
a mouthful of wrack, a striped bass, the universe, and everything
May 14:
invisi-birds revealed
April 30:
inverse proportion
April 16:
0 for 2
April 8:

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Copyright © 1997 - 2006 Janet I. Egan