rain delay format

July 9, 2005




When I woke up this morning it was raining and the forecast was for showers and thunderstorms so I called the gatehouse to verify the weather on Plum Island. "Equally miserable," was the report so instead of reporting for duty at 8:00 AM I went back to bed and slept 'til 11:00. I feel oddly guilty for not guarding the little invisi-birds today but I'm sure no one but a few insane fishermen and a deranged birder or two were out there and if they don't understand the importance of the beach closure during the time between hatching and fledging by now my explaining it wouldn't help anyway.

I've been reading a ton of bird books lately: At the Turn of the Tide by Richard Perry, Tracking Desire: A Journey after Swallow-tailed Kites by Susan Cerulean, and currently Rare Bird by Maria Mudd Ruth. I've still got The Grail Bird by Tim Gallagher in the queue too. I'm in the middle of Rare Bird, which is about the marbled murrelet, and don't want to put it down. It's a fascinating story extraordinarily well told. I feel like I'm present at the moment of each new discovery about the mystery of the marbled murrelet's nesting location and behavior. They're seabirds that nest in old-growth conifers! Yet another reason to save the conifers, as if there weren't enough already.


Todays' Bird Sightings
Plum Island

none -- on account of I'm not there

none- ditto

Coast Guard Assets
none -- when was the last time I saw a Coast Guard asset anyway? Have they all been redeployed to Iraq or something?

Today's Reading
Rare Bird
by Maria Mudd Ruth

This Year's Reading
2005 Booklist

Today's Starting Pitcher
Wade Miller



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Copyright © 2005, Janet I. Egan