Journal of a Sabbatical

another week begins

January 26, 1998

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New things on the ever-growing, all-consuming, Aunt-Janet-must-really-not-have-enough-to-do web site:

1997 Plum Island Bird List
and the long-promised
Anza Borrego/Salton Sea bird list

in response to reader requests - the complete lists, in the order in which I spotted the little beasties


updated MASSCOMP alumni page


updated Plum Island page

to correct a mistake spotted by a reader, and to add the link for the 1997 bird list

Weather here: blue skies and sunshine for the second day running. The weather gods must be storing up something big for us. With the sun out today though, the crows are doing amazing aerobatics displays over the parking lot. I wonder if they are doing it to impress prospective mates? I have noticed mallards are already doing their mating displays wherever they can find open water - things are still pretty much frozen.

Procrastination status: I am busy procrastinating on the same two fairly simple projects I've been working on umm, procrastinating on: the piping plover article for The Bridge: Merrimack Valley Culture, and the web page for the International Dendrological Research Institute. Procrastinating is so easy! Just find 10,000 things that don't need to be done and do 'em. And I can't possibly write while the sun is out , now can I? :-)

I had coffee with Tom & Julie today and my parking meter expired - a quarter gets you 2 hours in Andover, so I was longer than 2 hours loafing the soul. They are just back from a long trip to California which included a visit to the Henry Miller Library (the reason I met Tom in the first place was that I was reading The Air Conditioned Nightmare in the Coffee Connection and Tom approached me because he's a big Henry Miller fan).

I'm reading the poems of Saigyo right now. Nancy gave it to me for Christmas. I am fascinated with the continuity from Saigyo to Basho to Issa and Buson through hundreds of years. I showed the Saigyo book to Tom and he started reading aloud from it at Starbucks. I don't know why he doesn't do more poetry slams - he performs well - both his own poems and other people's.

I got a postcard from Joan-west from Italy, a lovely watercolor of the stupa at Istituto Lama Tzong Kapa , where she's living and studying. I immediatley sat down and wrote her a letter.

I took off in the car with the idea of mailing the letter and doing some birding while it was still light out but I got stuck in traffic, tried to take backroads, discovered beautiful new areas I hadn't explored, ended up at Plum Island with not enough light left to do much, had a light supper at the Tannery Cafe and browsed at Jabberwocky. Then it was back home to fetch the laundry, feed Wilbur, cook a real dinner, watch a tv special about the Mount Washington Observatory, work on this entry, talk to Nancy on the phone, watch the weather on the 11:00PM news, work on this entry... an entry about writing a journal entry.

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