Journal of a Sabbatical

slush day

January 24, 1998

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It snowed all day yesterday and changed to rain sometime during the night. I waded through ankle deep slush to my car with the bag full of laundry and from the car to the laundromat. There was no place to park in Andover. I parked illegally outside Dunkin' Donuts, grabbed a bagel and a small dark roast, black, and came back home immediately.

They haven't cleared the parking lot here yet, so I'm afraid the slush is going to freeze into yet more ridges on top of the ridges we already have.

later ...

They never did clear the whole parking lot but they did run a plow down the middle a few times to compact the glacier. It's not that bad except for a few icy patches that froze once the sun went down.

Nancy and I went to see Good Will Hunting. This time we actually managed to get in. The theater was jammed though. I loved it. It reminded me of the beauty of math, the pressure to hide one's abilities, the class differences... Robin Williams gives an excellent performance - he does need to work on his Boston o's though - it's "Bawstin" not "Bahstin" - he gets it right about half the time. Matt Damon is excellent. The dialogue is astonishingly good. Most of the little local color details are very accurate. Nancy asked me if I actually called the state police "staties". I said "of course I did", but I have trained myself not to in order to avoid showing my working class origins.

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