Journal of a Sabbatical

snow day

January 23, 1998

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Day off. Niece sick. Snow falling all day - expected to turn to freezing rain at just the time I'd be trying to drive home. Just as well. No organs left to be replaced by rubber pork chops. Well, I don't think she mentioned the pancreas, but let's not give her any ideas.


So it's been snowing all day and the roads are slippery. The snow hasn't amounted to much in the way of accumulation. It's just a slow, steady, light snow. I drove to Andover to buy some groceries and took a really long time getting back. It's all up hill and the road was so slick the Auntmobile could barely make it up the hills. Once I got home, I stayed home. Sometimes that's the best strategy.

It felt cozy to be at home with the demented orange wacko on my lap and a steaming mug of chai in my hand listening to the traffic reports detailing all the accidents and tie-ups.

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