Journal of a Sabbatical

shopping binge

January 22, 1998

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I hate to shop for clothes, cleaning supplies, appliances, stuff of daily living, especially during the holiday shopping season. I haven't done the shopping mall thing since before Christmas. Therefore, I've stored up a lot of pent up demand for such things. Why I'd want to spend a sunny, relatively warm day shopping mystifies me. However, I did manage to buy 4 new shirts, new socks, a new dustpan, one of those sun/snow shade thingies to keep the frost off the windshield, and various other stuff like that. Of course, then I stopped in at Barnes and Noble and bought tons of books: Lonely Planet guides to Italy and Hungary, an advanced HTML book, and a beautifully illustrated collection of Inuit folk tales entitled The Girl Who Dreamed Only Geese.

The shopping binge took up a lot of the day, what with trying to select a new deodorant and new skin creams in the hope of not smelling as bad to Andrea tomorrow. Of course, who knows what a 6 year old thinks is a bad smell? I should have her pick out the skin creams for me.

My skin is so dry and itchy that I can barely control the urge to rake my fingernails over my entire body. I never did settle on a skin cream - most of them had scents that made me sneeze. Sigh.

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