Journal of a Sabbatical

watch out for that tree!

July 17, 1997

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Remarkably, no one has written to tell me that Liliom is a Hungarian play, not a place in Belgium. Had I researched yesterday's entry before I posted it, I would've known that. Apparently Carousel is based on Liliom. They both take place in an amusement park. So, I guess I can see where Sarton was coming from in her likening Salisbury Beach to Liliom. Guess I showed my ignorance and extreme lack of erudition...


watch out for that tree!

My big outing for today was to see a matinee of George of the Jungle. Hey, any air conditioned movie in a heat wave or any port in a storm... The cinema was full of little kids - evidently their parents thought this a good way to deal with the overheated child phenomenon.

I remember watching the old George of the Jungle cartoons when I was in college. I got a kick out of his clumsy vine swinging. Being a victim of what Nancy calls "Egan ADD" (a special form of Attention Deficit Disorder that causes you to remember commercial jingles, cartoon themes, and trivia instead of important stuff - and to compulsively name every bird you see - and a host of other odd behaviors) I memorized the George of the Jungle theme song and used to sing it to a cat named George at the shelter. This drove Tibet crazy. She'd never heard of George of the Jungle and couldn't imagine why I was telling this poor cat to "watch out for that tree!"

The movie is better than I expected. George in San Francisco is a trip. Ursula's fiance is about as snobby as you can get. The ape named Ape is wonderful. And the quotes/allusions to other Disney movies abound. I particularly like the obligatory Lion King scene. But I won't spoil it any more for you - in the unlikely event that any of the on-line journal community is eager to see this flick.


It's hot. Mass Electric is calling for voluntary power conservation - that is switching from air conditioners to fans during the hottest part of the day and doing laundry early in the morning or late at night. Are they nuts?

I drove home from Cambridge tonight in a fierce thunderstorm. Jagged purple lightning, driving rain, high winds, crashing thunder all around. I hydroplaned a bit on I-93, not fun! But I made it home safely. Here at my house, the rain is just a trickle. All that crashing and blowing and deluging and it hasn't cooled off a bit! The air feels like soup - hot soup, not gazpacho. Yuck, I just imagined air that felt like gazpacho - capsaicin stinging the skin - arrgghhh! Where was I? Oh yeah, the air - thick, soupy, hot, unpleasant... Glad at least one of my air conditioners works.

Tomorrow is supposed to be 100 degrees! What does one do with 100 degree nieces??????

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