July 18, 1997
hot hot hotCoffee Coolata is the only answer. What was the question? Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or oppose them with Coffee Coolata? So much time wasted on the way... George George George of the Jungle strong as he can be ... watch out for that tree! If it's 82 degrees Fahrenheit at 9:30 AM, what will be the score of the Red Sox game in Cleveland in the third inning? Would you bet the Curley desk on it? If you had the Curley desk would you be using it as a workbench? How much can you bench press? If you can bench press your weight and earn your age, Planet Reebok has a place for you in Niketown. El Macintosh was getting disk errors last night. Can my brain be getting disk errors? I suppose I could get Clarissa to Explain it All if only I had cable. The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. It blesseth him that gives and him that takes. It's Shake and Bake, and I helped. Is this a dagger I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Macbeth hath murdered sleep. Mother, please I'd rather do it myself! It's Excedrin headache number 432. Ted's the boss of 85 people, what number are you? Oh, the biscuits in the army, they say they're mighty fine - one rolled off the table and killed a friend of mine - it rolled off the table and onto the floor and then my poor meatball rolled right out the door - it rolled in the garden and under a bush and now my poor meatball is nothing but moosh - I hate Bosco, rich and chocolatey - mommy puts it in my milk to try and poison me... If any of this makes sense to you, seek help immediately. :-) the shoemaker's pea & the princess and the elvesnot to mention the nightingaleArrive Groton 9:30 AM. Attend Artworks camp theater performance and art show at Groton School campus 1:45 PM. Leave Groton 6:00PM. The emperor in The Nightingale was particularly good - the business with the Raggedy Ann doll was cute. And no wonder the princess could feel the pea through 20 mattresses when it's the size of a baseball and the mattresses are Barney and Little Mermaid sleeping bags! As for the shoemaker and the elves -since when do elves make running shoes? And how come a school for little rich kids doesn't have air conditioning in the auditorium? how hot does it have to be before i burn out?Nancy suggested that I try typing in passages from The Confessions of St. Augustine instead of journal entries and see how long it takes before someone notices it's not my journal. |