Journal of a Sabbatical

feline body fluids & cat in a box

July 16, 1997

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feline body fluids

The whole place smelled really ripe this morning. I don't know if it was the heat or if somebody on the evening shift fed them treats to excess - always a bad idea but more so in hot weather.

Jaguar sprayed Slinky's cage. I saw him getting ready to do it but I was on the other side of the room and couldn't get to him. By the time I got the words out of my mouth to Roberta, the deed was done. Roberta had already cleaned Slinky's place, so she had to do it over. Not happy about that either.

just fluids

Penny dumped her water dish - on Pepper in the cage below. Penny and Pepper are brother and sister, but that didn't make any difference to Pepper. Hey a dish of water on your fur is a dish of water on your fur!

cat in a box

The UPS man delivered a big box of kitten food. The tape on one end was loose and Kitty wiggled her way in. Her long black tail was all we could see waving out of the box. I couldn't stop laughing. This wasn't the regular UPS man, so he stood with the door open waiting for someone to sign for the package. Molly took this as an invitation to head for the stairs and the freedom of the road. I was responding slowly and still laughing as Dawna intercepted Molly and Roberta signed for the kitten food. The regular UPS man knows to close the door immediately. We were all too busy cleaning to put the new kitten food away in the food room, so the box with Kitty in it stayed in the middle of the floor for a long time. Kibby perched on top of it like she knew it was food. Kibby has the finest food detectors I've seen in a cat. I swear she can smell food through cans inside of cans a mile away. Kibby eats compulsively. I never knew cats did that. I thought only people ate past the point of fullness past the point of hunger. Kibby does not stop eating unless you take the food away. Anyway, we all got a second laugh out of the concept of Kibby guarding the food. The box got moved (note passive voice - I have no idea who moved it) to the other side of the room near the bullet-wound cat's kennel. When all the cages were done, Roberta decided to do bullet-wound cat's place. She started to sit down on the box! I blurted Kitty's in there! But it was too late. Roberta fell through the top of the box and scared the .... out of Kitty. Why Kibby wasn't guarding the box then I have no idea.

Roberta observed that my reaction time was slow both in the Jaguar spraying incident and the sitting on Kitty incident. She speculated it might be the new arthritis drug. Nothing in the Daypro (oxaprozin) info sheet said anything about slowed reaction time or not driving, and Eileen, though a nurse (of humans) in addition to vet tech, had never heard of oxaprozin. I suppose I could call the orthopod's office and ask...


Spunky and Moriah went to a home with nice lady. The kid who was sentenced to work at the shelter for getting all F's had been promised (by her mother) she could adopt Spunky and Moriah if she got all A's next term, but they needed a good home right away and besides that she wasn't getting as much out of working there as she was supposed to. She didn't show up today. A bunch of kittens from foster homes also went to adoptive homes since last week.

the chandelier cats

All right, I am now beginning to believe the chandelier cats did what they were accused of (breaking a $4000 chandelier). I was standing next to the cat gym this morning and Jasper jumped from the top of the cat gym over my head to the top of a cage on the other side of the room. Several people witnessed this and all agreed that he'd definitely leaped high enough to hang from a chandelier. I mean this was one hell of a jump! I was amazed and more than a little startled as his orange and white mass hurtled over head.


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Salisbury Beach

Sarton was cold too!

Last night I was reading the volume of May Sarton's letters that I picked up a couple weeks ago. I opened it to a random page and to my delete found this passage:

"We go swimming at Salisbury beach a sort of New England Coney Island but much smaller and cleaner -- it reminds me of "Liliom" -- the water is very cold but wonderful waves --" To Parents, Saturday, July 21st [1934]


Somehow I like the idea that Sarton found Salisbury beach cold swimming. I picture her turning as blue as I did on Sunday and loving every minute of it. I have no idea what Liliom is - I can't imagine anything as tacky as Salisbury Beach in Belgium!


For some reason, I did an Alta Vista search on "Salisbury Beach" and mostly came up with music clubs. This cool map from Vicinity shows Salisbury Beach. Donald and Michael's house is not marked (I could've but didn't) but it's at the southern end of the beach. I forgot to mention in Sunday's entry that there is a piping plover nest on Salisbury beach this year, close to D&M's house. La Madre and the kids walked down to look at it - it's roped off for a fair distance so they couldn't' get close enough to see anything. La Madre wasn't sure what to look for anyway. The birds and the eggs are well camouflaged. Salisbury Beach itself is a state park. The state has better signage for the nesting sites than we do. As in, we have no signage and they have good informative signage. Anyway, the kids got a slightly better idea of what Aunt Janet's obsession is about...

Click on the map to browse

I didn't zoom out enough to show you where the cat shelter is, but you can play with the map to your heart's content. Bridge Road is south and a little inland (west) from the beach, almost in Newburyport.
