Index to essays by T.S. Eliot
This website has online copies of a number of works by T.S. Eliot.
These works are understood to be in the public domain in the U.S.
but perhaps not in other countries (particularly in the U.K. and E.U.)
Be careful about republication.
Works published after 1922 are still under copyright protection and are
not included.
"Reflections on Vers Libre"
This essay was first published in 1917 in the British magazine New Statesman (founded in 1913).
"The Lesson of Baudelaire"
This essay is one of the two short essays by T.S. Eliot that appeared in
the "Notes on Current Letters" section of the first volume of
The Tyro
(Spring 1921).
"The Romantic Englishman, the Comic Spirit, and the Function of Criticism"
This essay is the second of the two short essays by T.S. Eliot that appeared in
the "Notes on Current Letters" section of the first volume of
The Tyro
(Spring 1921).
"Andrew Marvell"
This essay by T.S. Eliot on the poetry style of
Andrew Marvell (1621-1678)
was first published in the
Times Literary Supplement, March 31, 1921.
In 1932 it was re-published in Eliot's book Selected Essays.
"Marie Lloyd"
Marie Lloyd (1870-1922) was a British music-hall singer and
comedienne. Eliot wrote an essay upon her death as the last of his
"London Letters" to The Dial magazine.
The essay was later revised and reprinted in Eliot's magazine,
The Criterion
and then later in his book Selected Essays.
Besides expressing admiration for Lloyd's work, Eliot used the essay to
comment upon the differences between the classes in England.
The "Marie Lloyd" link above is to the "London Letter" version of the
essay (Eliot's "London Letter" essays are kept in a directory seperate
from his other essays.)
Essays published before 1923 are to be added.
Revision date (y/m/d h:m:s):
$Date: 2006/11/14 00:02:20 $
Rickard A. Parker