Links to all our online instructions

(with links to the associated product pages)

Due to popular demand we are making our illustrated instructions available online. In the online version the embedded images are hyperlinks to the larger color versions of the same picture. Just click through to see the detail. We will still include paper copies in our kits for use on the workbench but the latest versions will be posted here. We hope this helps with some of the (unintentionally) hidden details.

Jim - RA Cores
(comments appreciated)
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Instructions Associated Product Instructions Associated Product
Here is the method we use to build the pushrods to avoid melting any of the foam. It also allows you to fine adjust them before hitting them with CA to hold them in place. We are slowly updating the instructions with this info but it might be missing from the paper instructions of an older kit.
EPP Flat Foamie Series
Yak55 Instructions

22" Mini Yak55
Instructions Addendum
picture of 
								EPP Yak55
Product page
EPP Flat Foamie Series
Extra Instructions

22" Mini Extra
Instructions Addendum
The 32" Extra
EPP Flat Foamie Series
34" Spitfire Instructions
picture of 
								EPP Spitfire
Product page
EPP Flat Foamie Series
picture of 
								EPP ME-109
Product page
EPP Flat Foamie Series

22" Mini P-51D
Instructions Addendum
picture of 
								EPP P-51D
Product page
Joel "MetroGTI" Dirnberger

EPP BluFO Instructions
FPV BluFO in Flight
Product page
picture of Standard 
Product page
picture of 
Product page
Mini Gremlin
picture of Mini 
Product page
How to Cover with
Colored Packing Tape
picture of 
								Tape Covered Gremlin

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Creation date: Tuesday January 24, 2012
Last updated: Sunday November 3, 2019

For more information send email to RA Cores