Measure the carbon fiber pushrods to be 1/2" smaller than the distance from the servo arm screw to the surface hinge line at the control horn as shown in the pictures. Please notice that in the case of the Extra the tail pushrods are different lengths. Cut the pushrod to length
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Cut the pushrod to length

Hance runs through how to set up one of the pushrods off the plane and then install it in the plane.

Attach the Z-bend wires to each end of the carbon fiber pushrods using the small pieces of heatshrink tubing. Note that for the tail pushrods, be sure to slip the pushrod guides/stand offs on the rods before doing the second end. ***DO NOT GLUE AT THIS TIME*** Cut the pushrod to length
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Insert the pushrods into the horns and then put them into the servo arms. Put the arms on the servos so they are as close to centered as possible and then center them using the subtrims on the radio rather than the stick trims so you have the full stick trims in flight (the arms will be half a spline out in most cases). Adjust the pushrod length by sliding the Z-bend wires under the heatshrink until the servo arm is straight out and the control surface is level. If the wires stick and don't want to slide, roll the pushrod slightly so break it free. Carefully glue the Z-bend wires to the pushrods using CA. Glue one end of the pushrod and then double check the other end before gluing it as well. I put a piece of paper towel between the pushrod and the plane so I don't damage the paint when I spray the kicker. Make sure you put the servo arm screws in once everything is done. Cut the pushrod to length
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