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Sept. 25, 2017  
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Nanortech seeks Research Proposal from Potential Strategic Ally

Nanortech Inc. is seeking an R&D/funding proposal which focuses on improving the power gain, better material control, and increased production rate of these components. This strategic alliance will promote that effort for a transformational improvement in energy production. Proposals can be sent to

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Nanortech Pre-Order List

Nanortech has begun its pre-order list.

Unfortunately, there is not at present the capacity to make these components generally available in the short term as they are being used for development and R&D.

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            Open Demonstration of Dry LANR Technology at MIT
     NANOR®-type generated Clean Energy Technology can create an energy gain of up to 80 times more than is put in.      The Carbon Footprint is zero.



 "In the field of cold fusion, having a laboratory rat ["lab rat"] upon which to try a few ideas, tweaks, changes, and the like, has been shown to be a good thing, in both aqueous and dry systems.   In dry CF/LANR systems, the lab rat is the NANOR®-type preloaded system [shown in open demonstration for several months at MIT in 2012 (IAP Course on CF)].  

 We previously used dry preloaded NANOR®-type CF/LANR components [1] to investigate material science [2-6] and radiation physics [4,5] of active cold fusion systems; and demonstrated several electrical transconduction states, of which only one which is desired and active producing “excess heat” [3]. 

Our efforts created R&D results which have wrought information which has taught all of us to better understand these CF components, their physics, and their lattice properties. Therefore, our focus today continues to be on improving the efficiency and production rate of these unique preloaded components."


  1. Swartz, M. G. Verner, J. Tolleson, P. Hagelstein, Dry, preloaded NANOR®-type CF/LANR components, Current Science, 108, 4, 595 (2015);
  2. Swartz M. R., Hagelstein P.I., Demonstration of Energy Gain from a Preloaded ZrO2–PdD Nanostructured CF/LANR Quantum Electronic Device at MIT, J. Cond.Matter Nucl. Sci. 13, (2014), 516
  3. Swartz,  M.R.  P.  Hagelstein, G. Verner, Impact of Electrical Avalanche Through a ZrO2-NiD Nanostructured CF/LANR Component on its Incremental Excess Power Gain", ICCF-19, JCMNS, 19, (2016)
  4. Swartz  M., Incremental High Energy Emission from a ZrO2–PdD Nanostructured Quantum Electronic Component CF/LANR, J. Cond. Matter Nucl. Sci. 15, 2015, 92;
  5. Swartz M., Verner, G., et al., Imaging of an Active NANOR®-type LANR Component using CR-39, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 15, (2015), p 81;
  6. Swartz, M. "Detection of Phonon Gain from a NANOR®-type CF Component" (2016, in preparation and review)







       Dr. Mitchell R. Swartz

LANR Technology

PHUSOR® and NANOR® are registered trademarks.

NANOR® -type LANR technology, and PHUSOR®-type LANRtechnology, and other discussed IP herein is protected by U.S. Patents D596724, D413659 and other Patents pending.

Nanortech, Inc.     


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