Dear Mr. Wong,
I certainly appreciate your enthusiasm on this topic, and you are right
when you say that TEAM particiaption and reward systems are of great
concern. Your sentiment expresses the very purpose for which I submitted
As you can imaging, a University houses many different "profit centers".
Likewise, the University recruits and compensates talented individuals to
work on these centers (e.g., Teaching posts, administrative posts,
etc.,...). The upshot is that the University requires these individuals
to perform. This performance, then must be MEASURED.
This process of MEASUREMENT, therefore, would be the focus I would like to
submit for thoughtful consideration, to people such as yourself.
Currently, the MEASUREMENT TOOL is obsolete. It measures individual
performance, at the expense of TEAM contributions to the organization. We
must acknowledge, however, the detractor's complaint against a structure
that measures TEAM performance. S/he would argue, "Why should I
sacrifice, for the sake of the TEAM, when many other TEAM members do not
contribute on an equal basis, yet are rewarded the same as me?"
So, the first part of my question would ask, "What (seemingly two-tiered)
measurement devise do we construct to replace the current compensation
And secondly, ""How do we replace (a concern of implementation) a
measurement tool that fails to consider the benefits of TEAM contributions
to the organization, yet adequately rewards merit?"
I look forward to hearing from you on this. We are struggling with this
Sincerely yours,
Greg Chapman
Human Resources
University of South Florida
--"Chapman, Greg" <>
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