Greg <> writes:
> I certainly appreciate your enthusiasm on this topic, and you are right
> when you say that TEAM particiaption and reward systems are of great
> concern. Your sentiment expresses the very purpose for which I submitted
> This process of MEASUREMENT, therefore, would be the focus I would like to
> submit for thoughtful consideration, to people such as yourself.
> Currently, the MEASUREMENT TOOL is obsolete. It measures individual
> performance, at the expense of TEAM contributions to the organization. We
> must acknowledge, however, the detractor's complaint against a structure
> that measures TEAM performance. S/he would argue, "Why should I
> sacrifice, for the sake of the TEAM, when many other TEAM members do not
> contribute on an equal basis, yet are rewarded the same as me?"
To me, the "why?" needs first be answered before any compensation plan is
devised or any metrics set in place. I share Andrew's passion for team
based compensation, but I doubt the efficacy of its use in an arena of
practice in which a member considers it a sacrifice to bring the team to
higher levels of performance through knowledge and understanding. Prior
to developing a measuring instrument, you'll need to establishes the
metrics and values for the team and help the team to internalize and share
them. If the team is all over the place on the Maslow scale, they're all
over the place on the LO development matrix and shared vision is not going
to develop for some time, ergo, shared values (and shared compensation)
will not be fully accepted.
-- John Zavacki The Wolff Group 800-282-1218 -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <> -or- <>