Where I first hear a similar analogy was from the video Paradigm Pioneers
by Joel Barker. He uses pioneers and settlers, describing the difference
between (calculated) risk takers and complacent types with a
"prove-it-by-the numbers" mentality.
Hope this helps.
On Wed, 18 Dec 1996, Ian Saunders wrote:
> I once heard the various roles within an organisation described in a
> metaphor relating to the roles within a wagon train.
> Scouts, Trail boss, wagon driver etc. I have lost it and if anyone knows
> what I am referring to and can let me have the full set of roles and
> descriptions I would be grateful.
--Bill Hendry, Training and OD Specialist, Hillsborough County, FL work email: sfidba@scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us | home bhendry@earthlink.net (813)276-2727, fax (813) 276-2917
"Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it". Johann von Goethe
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