Michael McMaster wrote:
> One way of considering leaders in organisations is to see them as
> "attractors". That is, as attractive examples of "being" which help other
> independently intelligent beings to interpret what is occurring and to
> make choices which are nurturing of the whole.
The idea of the leader as attractor makes me think about the inner
leader(s) each one has in his (conscious/unconscious) mind. For the person
who is (or thinks he is) performing the role, this image is a guide to
evaluate actions (both before and after doing). For others, it is used to
identify who is leading, establishing the link through which the social
phenomenon of leadership emerges (Is this person a real leader? How much
can I trust him? Should I follow the direction he is indicating?).
Leadership education is necessary for everybody: everybody is likely to be
an active leader in some circumstances, and a follower in others.
Leadership education is necessary for both roles!
We must then require leadership education to work both with the
(objective) technical aspect (developing skills a leader may need:
communication, visioning, group work, etc.) and with the (subjective)
image aspect (the "inner" leader: What makes a leader? Who are the people
I admire as leaders? Who are the leaders I met in my life?).
-- Durval Muniz de Castro <durval@ia.cti.br> Fundacao Centro Tecnologico para Informatica <http://www.ia.cti.br/> Campinas - Brasil - Fone: 55-19-2401011 - Fax: 55-19-2402029Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>