Jacqueline Mullen wrote:
> "relationship is a collaborative, improvisational work of art".
This is so beautiful I can't resist commenting on it!
- relationship: humanity is based on relationship,
- "co-laborative": laboring, facing resistances and helping one another,
- improvisational: the world is alive and changing, nothing is
- work: building the world, feeling rewarded, resting,
- art: skill and thought with a purpose, beauty, gracefulness.
-- Durval Muniz de Castro <durval@ia.cti.br> Fundacao Centro Tecnologico para Informatica <http://www.ia.cti.br/> Campinas - Brasil - Fone: 55-19-2401011 - Fax: 55-19-2402029Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>