Michael D. "Mike" Townes wrote:
> I believe the challenging thing about learning to address all three at the
> same time is that our paradigms of doing business have for years been
> adversarial. What must occur is the realization that the global
> marketplace is such that entities must be in harmony with their key
> stakeholder groups.
I have the impression that assigning priority to one stakeholder in
detriment of another reflects a communication strategy of addressing the
group with power to make a certain decision.
Thus, when a communication starts saying that the purpose of business is
profit, it is addressing the investors.
When a communication departs from the idea that the purpose of business is
to create jobs, it addresses primarily the employees.
When the fundamental business principle is defined as product quality, the
communication is addressing the market.
Of course, in the reasoning sequence, all the purposes may be related,
showing that it is necessary to meet all of them to keep the business
alive. This message means that each stakeholder must share results with
the others and not want everything for himself.
The fact that stakeholders must think globally and not provincially is a
sign of our times. Communication across social boudaries are a reality of
our time... or at least we want them to be!
-- Durval Muniz de Castro <durval@ia.cti.br> Fundacao Centro Tecnologico para Informatica <http://www.ia.cti.br/> Campinas - Brasil - Fone: 55-19-2401011 - Fax: 55-19-2402029Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>