Values and honesty LO8672

anne tyrie (
Thu, 25 Jul 1996 18:21:22 -0400

Replying to T J Linzy LO8627

>Whether you follow the Golden or Platinum Rule, the prospective CEO has
>his answer by asking himself, "If I become CEO, do I want my future
>department heads to tell me they are committed to LO, so that they can get
>the position and then reveal to me _THEIR_ incredibly enlightened views?"

i may have misread you here, but i have found this is usually the way to
get things done - change happens when it comes from within (as an earlier
contributor said) and for that to happen, especially the C&C types, it has
to be their idea.

>Beware of any idea that is too good to share with the unwashed before you
>can take control.

I like this! However - this warm-fuzzy stuff that shudders the stomaches
of C&Cers (if not their souls), can only be introduced in terms they will
understand. if they see it as touchy-feely they withdraw and you can
quickly lose your credibility.

I found that unless the upper echelon instantly 'groks' the concept, or
has already been introduced to it, these 'newer' ideals of quality,
empowerment and continuous learning are to be avoided by them like
'creativity' and 'process' - they don't see how these concepts speak to
the bottom line except in the media, which is automatically suspect and
only used for quotes to the masses.

In presenting the concepts of a learning organization, etc, i use terms
that fit into their paradigms so they are not threatened. I say the same
things with different words and metaphors. The change happens gradually,
as you emulate and coach the appropriate behaviour. this is not a quick
fix, and adding the processes that will help things along takes time - but
in those situations where i did not have the necessary buy-in from the
client, it was the only way i could envisage working.

or is this the whole point of this thread and i'm compromising my



Dr. Anne Tyrie, Director Industry Support
Information Technology Research Centre
...for the interchange of people, ideas and technology
voice: 416-978-7205
fax: 416-978-7207 the BTV - broadband text visualization system

-- (anne tyrie)

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