Intro -- Sherri Malouf LO8673

Sherri Malouf (
Thu, 25 Jul 1996 16:40:44 -0400 (EDT)

Hi everybody! I am a newcomer to both the internet and to LO. I am
pleased by the quality of the dialogues and the depth of the
conversations. I work for LMA, a consulting and training organization and
we cover many of the areas being discussed. I work with people on
influencing skils, empowerment, organizational politics, negotiation
skills, teambuilding, and values to name part of the list. So, many of
the discussions are very relevant to my work.

Michael Erikson's message on the History of Corporate Change LO8624 is the
one that finally motivated me to join in the rompus.(Mispelled on
purpose-- combination of romp: to play or frolic in a lively or boisterous
manner; and rumpus: a noisy or violent disturbance;commotion;uproar; as I
find aspects of both define the discussions on LO) He states.. "and I
think it starts where most of our problems start... in the 'how we think'

My hobby is also related to work and that is human consciousness the
desire to grow and change. One of the ideas that has intrigued me the most
recently is in the transcription of a seminar by David Bohm where the
challenge is to "be" in a different way. We cannot use thinking to
discover this different way as thinking is what got us (humankind) into
the position we are currently in ... a lot of separation and perceived
differences -- very few real connections. The challenge seems to me to be
that humankind needs to move to another level of consciousness. Getting
to this level of consciousness seems to be the ability to let go of a lot
of commonly held perceptions, beliefs, values, assumptions, etc... So my
consciousness-twister these days is how does one shift consciousness
without thinking about it? The answer seems to rest in a number of places
from physics to philosophy and religion -- but isn't that *thinking* about

Thoughtfree in NH
Sherri Malouf

-- (Sherri Malouf)

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