Keith Cowan wrote:
> I would hope the executives producing microwaves understand how
> they work - otherwise why would they ever invest in shielding....
> all the truly great companies have leaders who really are grounded
> in their business. Gates wrote compilers, Sculley sold Pepsi.
> Where has Sculley (and Apple!) gone since he took over as Apple
> CEO???
I agree...If we return back to the original discussion, the skills
that software companies are looking for are not technical, they are
ability to learn, analyze etc. With training, most people can learn
how microwaves work. Now that Gates is an executive, how much actual
programming has he done in the last few years. (Apple's not a fair
example...look at Lou Gerstner with IBM)
> In my experience, it is impossible to jump the learning curve through
> book learning or other means. Failing the way to success is called
> moving up the learning curve.
Right On! It truly is the best way to succeed. The difference being
if some of these skills were taught in school, we could result in more
success for more people. One could say this is the way of separating
the wheat from the chaffe. I'd say taking this information into the
schools can only result in more productive people entering the
workforce faster. I've heard some people say it take 2-3 years to
undo the business lessons taught in schools. That's 2-3 years of less
than productive time for business.
Gary Scherling
Helping people help themselves (GSCHERL)
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