Shape of the Org Chart LO5851

Jan Lelie (
26 Feb 96 04:34:31 EST

Replying to LO5784 --

Hi John, We were discussing the

>>way we draw an organizational chart should mirror the way we
>>simulate a process: it should show all relationships with an eye towards
>>optimizing the overall functionality of the process, IF we intend to
>>improve the process. A functional organization chart once showed me that

>Why the if? Why written IF? What if we intend to improve the process but
>still draw a 'standard' functional chart?

including in your account was:

> IF you don't want to do it right, don't get people's hopes up.

My experiences are exactely the same. At one time my manager even accused
me of raising hopes (he used to call it 'false hope', but i cann't do
anything with that adjective) with production people that something could
be changed, while at the same time hiring me for changing structures.

Why i come back to you is to find out how we might establish a quick way
to probe the willingness of an organization to change. Time and time again
i run into managers and directors who say they want to change, but when it
comes to action, they try to back off, find excuses, start to develop new
lines of reasoning, agree with you without accepting the consequences,
become afraid and one time even got aggressive. I do not want to spend
time and energy again in this. For one thing, i believe that learning can
only take place, when you want to do it out of free choice. But how to
see/listen through a complete and convincing set of white lies?

Kind regards,

(c) (1996) LOGISENS :-) J.C. Lelie


Jan Lelie <>

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