Def. of Learning Org LO4269
Sat, 16 Dec 1995 07:41:25 -0500

Replying to LO4263 --

Barry, I can't resist commenting on Tuckman's Model, which you cite:
"forming, storming, norming, and performing". Many years ago, when the
work to develop Interactive Management began, a basic decision was made
along the following lines:

1. Forming, storming, and norming should be considered "social overhead
costs", associated with group productivity.

2. A well-designed process, adequately buttressed by a good work plan,
can make virtually all of a group's time together a "performing" time.

3. Ergo, design such a process; which we did.

Having said the above many times to many groups, I already know the bulk
of the questions to expect, such as:

"You must be kidding, for sure groups need to get socialized before they
can get down to work--isn't that so?"

"How do you deal with conflict in the group?"


I have not told a lie since 1937.
