Def. of Learning Org LO4383
Thu, 21 Dec 1995 11:48:35 -0500

Replying to LO4269 --

John Warfield wrote:

> A well-designed process, adequately buttressed by a good work plan, can
make virtually all of a group's time together a "performing" time.

This assumes that someone has taken the time to design the process in this
way. Unfortunately, often processes are "well-designed" from the point of
view of the procedure writer or some such other individual. Those who
must execute that process do not know what was intended and have a
different way of doing things which works better for them. The work
process is, then, not so well-designed. It is often developed on an ad
hoc basis. This is one of the strengths of a team, the members become
flexible enough to adapt to requirements and to innovate processes to fit
the situation. I won't go into, at this point, the arguments against a
lot of such innovation within organizations and the potential impact such
innovation can have upon quality of work.

Clyde Howell
The Howell Group