> From: JOHNWFIELD@aol.com
> Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 08:03:56 -0500
<<< some stuff deleted here >>>
> findings is:
> People everywhere want to be treated with dignity, to have their views
> heard, and to gain greater understanding of what is going on. And when
> they find the rare opportunity to have this happen (in a process where all
> of the content comes from them, without content interference from the
> process manager), they all respond with their best effort.
One of the points I try to make very clear to students in my
classes cross-cultural management classes is that there has to a great
harmony between structure/strategy/processes and the culture where we
operate. We should not imposed styles, forms, etc., on anyone just
because they are ours, and we are right! Whenever we try to act like the
"ugly American," then we should expect trouble. I agree that, by human
nature, we all want be treated with dignity, etc. Deming said "one is
born with intrinsic motivation, self-esteem, dignity. He inherits joy in
work, joy in learning. These attributes are high at the beginning of
-- *************************************************************** R. IVAN BLANCO, Ph.D. Voice 305 899-3515 Assoc. Prof. & Director Fax 305 892-6412 International Business Programs Andreas School of Business _________E-Mail Addresses________ Barry University Bitnet: Blanco%bu4090@Barryu Miami Shores, FL 33161-6695 Internet: Blanco@bu4090.barry.edu <<<<< ---------------- >>>>> "Si un hombre fuera necesario para sostener el Estado, este Estado no deberia existir." "If one man was necessary to sustain a Nation,this Nation should not exist." Simon Bolivar ===============================================================