Alicia --
Here is a list of some of the materials that I have read in the last
couple of years as I have struggled to bridge the gap between IT and
management. My background is as a systems designer and implementer, but
recently I am acting more as a management consult, trainer and facilitator
around analyzing and redesigning business processes, prior to the design
of information systems to support them.
There has been some interesting research work on organization issues
around Lotus Notes. These include:
Orlikowski, W.J., Evolving with Notes: Organizational Change around
Groupware Technology, CCS/IRS Working Paper, Sloan School , June, 1995.
Orlikowski, Wanda J., Learning from Notes: Organizational Issues in
Groupware Implementation, Sloan School of Mngt, CCS TR #131, Sloan Working
Paper #3428, May 1992.
Karsten, Helena, Converging Paths to Notes: In Search of Computer-based
Information Systems in a Networked Company, Information Technology &
People, 8, 1, 7-34, 1995.
More generally on the impacts of Email:
Bullen, Chris, and John Bennett,, Groupware in Practice: An Interpretation
of Work Experiences, in C. Dunlop an R. Kling (eds.), Computerization and
Controversy, Academic Press, 1991, 257-287.
The remainder of this list consists of articles that I have found
particularly interesting in my research and work around analyzing process
and designing workflow systems:
Orlikowski, Wanda J., The Duality of Technology: Rethinking the Concept of
Technology in Organizations, Sloan School of Mgt, Working Paper, April
Orlikowski, Wanda J., Integrated Information Environment or Matrix of
Control? The Contradictory Implications of Information Technology ,
Accounting, Management and Information Technolgies, 1, 9-42, 1991.
Orlikowski, W.J. & D. Robey, Information Technology and the Structuring of
Organizations, Information Systems Research, 2, 143-169, 1991.
Orlikowski, W.J. & J.J. Baroudi, Studying Information Technology in
Organizations: Research Approaches and Assumptions, Information Systems
Research, 2, 1, 1-28, March 1991.
Orlikowski, Wanda J. & Debra C. Gash, Technological Frames: Making Sense
of Information Technology in Organizations, ACM Trans. on Info. Sys.,
12,2, April 1994, pp. 174-207.
Malone, Thomas, Modeling Coordination in Organizations and Markets,
Management Science, 33, 10, 1317-1332, Oct. 1987.
Malone, Thomas and Kevin Crowston, Information Technology and Work
Organization , In Information Technology and the Corporation of the 1990s:
Research Studies, Thomas J. Allen and Michael S. Scott Morton, eds.,
Oxford, Oxford Univ. Press, 1994.
Orlikowski, W.J & C.M. Beath, The Contradictory Structure of Systems
Development Methodologies: Deconstructing the IS-User Relationship in
Information Engineering, Information Systems Research, 5, 4, 1994.
Klein, Heinz K., Organizational Implications of Office Systems: Toward a
Critical Social Action Perspective, Office Systems, A. Verrijn-Stuart & R.
Hirschheim (Eds), Elsevier (North-Holland), 1986.
Hirschheim, R. & M. Newman, Symbolism and Information Systems Development:
Myth, Metaphor and Magic, Information Systems Research, 2, 1, 29-62, March
Hirschheim, R.A. & H.K. Klein, Four Paradigms of Information Systems
Development , Comm. ACM, 32, 10, Oct. 1989, 1199-1216.
Davenport, Thomas H., Saving ITs Soul: Human-Centered Information
Management, Harvard Business Review, Apr-May, 1994, p. 119.
Boland, Richard J., The Process and Product of System Design, Management
Science, 24, 9, 887-898, May, 1978.
Boland, Richard J. Jr., Control, Causality and Information System
Requirements, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 4, 4, 259-272, 1979.
Roberts, John & Robert Scapens, Accounting Systems and Systems of
Accountability - Understanding Accounting Practices in their
Organizational Contexts, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 10, 4,
443-456, 1985.
Lyytinen, K., Implications of Theories of Language for Information
Systems, MIS Quarterly, 9, 1, 61-74, 1985.
Flores, Fernando, Micheal Graves, Brad Hartfield and Terry Winograd,
Computer Systems and the Design of Organizational Interaction, ACM Trans.
Off. Info. Sys. 6, 2 (1988) 153-172
Winograd, Terry, A Language/Action Perspective on the Design of
Cooperative Work , Hum. Comput. Interaction, 3, 1, (1987-88) 3-30.
Scherr, Allan L., A New Approach to Business Processes, IBM Systems
Journal, Vol 32, No 1, 1993.
Carlson, Steinar, Organizational Perspectives of Workflow Technology,
Norwegian Institute of Technology, Univ. of Trondheim,
Barley, S.R., The Alignment of Technology and Structure Through Roles and
Networks, Administrative Science Quarterly, 35, 61-103, 1990.
Hope this is helpful.
-- Grant Harris Workframe, Inc. Cambridge, Mass. "Grant B. Harris" <>