Re: European Learning project LO4004
Sat, 2 Dec 1995 08:03:56 -0500

Replying to LO3985 --

My American colleague, Dr. Ben Broome, has been working for about a year
and half using Interactive Management with Greek and Turkish Cypriots.
Because of the successes had so far, he was asked to work with the YES,
Young Entrepreneurs Society of Europe, which he did. (He did most of this
under his Fulbright award.)

He is being called on to return to work further with the Cypriots.

This is not to say that Americans are superior to Europeans or vice versa.
Rather it is just one more attempt to push the idea that well-designed,
tested processes should have a life of their own, independent of the
cultures involved. I have personally witnessed applications of IM in
India, Saudi Arabia, England, Brazil, and elsewhere, and one of the great
findings is:

People everywhere want to be treated with dignity, to have their views
heard, and to gain greater understanding of what is going on. And when
they find the rare opportunity to have this happen (in a process where all
of the content comes from them, without content interference from the
process manager), they all respond with their best effort.
