"IS MANAGERS PRIME FOR JOB-HOPPING: The growing demand for information
systems managers combined with an upbeat economy is creating a seller's
market when it comes to IS skills, and management specialists are
predicting widespread job-hopping in the next year or two: 'During the
last three years, while the economy was turbulent, people stayed at jobs
they disliked because there was downsizing all around them and fewer jobs.
Now, as the economy is heating up, there'll be unprecedented turnover.'
(Information Week 20 Nov 95 p208)"
Question: What do you think will be the impact of this upon efforts to
reengineer and/or to form a learning organization within a company? Reply
directly, unless you feel it will benefit the list.
-- ########################################## # Hank Heath Vice President # Medco Systems, Inc. Consultants for small business # 3 Eves Dr., Suite 304, Marlton, NJ 08053 # HankHeath@aol.com # ph: 609-596-1028 fax: 609-596-8650 ##########################################